Alright, here's something really nice. A one of a kind talonite Mini Son of PryThing with my Chainlink patterning and royal purple cord wrap. Comes with a sheath and bead chain of course. Talonite is a special cobalt and chromium alloy that is completely rust proof and marine friendly. It also has special characteristics that make it able to keep on cutting even when the edge does not feel razor sharp. Neat stuff.
The price for this piece will be $225 plus $10 shipping for US customers, $26 shipping via Express Mail for international customers.
This lottery will run until 11PM EDT today, Tuesday October 7th.
List of Entrants: List
Lottery Rules
Very nice Peter. I wonder if I can keep my fingers crossed for the next 12 hours?
Does it still count as a prything with no V-notch?
None of the talonite ones have a v notch.
now thats what im talking about, good luck everyone, and thank you peter!
Holy Crap! That's what I am talking about!!!
oh my, =D
Crossed fingers here, too.
yowza! now this is truly lottery worthy!
Ooooh! Pretty!
OK no way this piece was just sitting around in your shop, was it from your personal collection? If so then thank you. If not then I want a tour of your shop(alone of course) and I will wear my pants with large cargo pockets.
Barry G.
I think the lottery system is a fabulous idea, for one-offs, prototypes, and small batches, as it allows Peter to put up a few of something without having to deal with a flood of email and without people sitting at their computer 24/7 clicking refresh like a crack-addicted ferret. Plus, it's fun, and the ratio between available items (1-6 so far) and eager buyers (150ish so far) is such that winning pretty much has to be based on luck anyway.
For larger traditional runs of items, I'd argue that the traditional PayPal BuyMe button page is a better way to go, because Peter simply gets a list of completed transactions from PayPal rather than a bunch of email to deal with (winners must be notified, N% might back out or fail to answer in time, requiring substitute winners to be chosen -- if that's 1 or 2 out of 10 it's annoying, if it's 10 or 20 out of 100, it's a major pain), and I'm sure there are people who would "pull the trigger" on a tool if presented with a BuyMe button, but won't go through the rather more sobering "paperwork and waiting period" of signing up for a lottery (er, sorry, the gun references are mere literary device rather than implying anything darker), and, frankly, keeping a little of "the thrill of the chase" around will appease the portion of the audience that feels their luck is, uh, luckier, than others.
Ultimately, the best system is the one that leaves Peter the happiest, the least aggravated, and out in the shop making neat new things as much as possible.
Carl, in San Diego, California
P.S. I'm sitting this one out -- I prefer non-edgy things for practical reasons, and my wife'd have Words for me if I dropped that kind of money on it right now -- but best of luck to the contestants this round :)
P.P.S Peter, the Lottery Entry List for the Atwrenches seems to have been erased.
Gonna pass on this one too... would much rather spend this kind of money on a full knife.
Can't sit this this one out.
Marine friendly? We shall see how it fairs against 150 pound fluorocarbon....
Of course only if I'm the lucky one....Good luck all and thanks Peter!
MSOPT meet my Boston Whaler, I hope you two get to know each other really well.
..talonite mini son of prything, that's the grail!!!!
To quote the Michael Corleone "just when I thought I was out...they pull me back in." I am lucky enough to have an msopt and sopt so with screwdriver tipped g3's, fixers and wildcards not coming out until the end of the month I though I could lay off your site for a while. Then you had to add these lotto's
Is there a sheath for this offering?
Update to my previous post regarding a sheath.
I am more interested in the "type" of sheath, some of the earlier sheaths were for hooking to a belt. What type will be supplied with this offering?
A kydex sheath with teklok belt clip?
Nope, a small sheath for the keys, coin pocket or with bead chain for neck carry. These are tiny knives, 3.5" OAL WITH the sheath!
Wow, seems everybody has come out of hiding for this offering.
C'mon lucky 196 !!
Bad time to be broke! :(
Good luck everyone! I don't want to see this on eBay next week. ;D
Holy crap that's awesome! Looks like I got in late on this one. Seems like the lottery picker has been favoring lower numbers, so hopefully this round will make up for it with a higher number pick...like 233. ;)
Love seeing th
I'm saving for one of those dlc boogers, but if you do a talonite booger or some other kind of knife I'd probably be tempted.
wow - what a cool item. Being a flatlander, though, I'll let the salt-water guys fight for it. May the... luckiest guy win?
WTH, I'll give it a shot. Count me in if my entry isn't too late. :p
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