We had a dusting of snow last night (which did not thrill me in the least) and they're forecasting 2-5" more of heavy wet white stuff on Saturday night. Way too early IMO...absolutely rotten weather in the Northeast this year.
Lots of goodies coming up. I will have giant ribbed Lanslides shortly. I have steel Pests and G5 Prybaby Roids at heat treat right now so those will be here in a week or two. The hardened steel Bookies are coming in a week or so as well. It's going to be crazy busy here for the next few weeks.
Well today I have the stonewashed G2 Keytons done. These are $60 each.. Thanks for stopping by as always!
Sold Out! Thank you!

P.S. How about that World Series game last night? Wow! I'm dragging my butt today but it was worth staying up for. ;)