I have the remaining WingNuts ready and will do a sale later today. These had to have extensive refinishing and so will have a smooth gunmetal gray finish rather than the brighter Stone Aged finish. I am just not able to get that high lustre with my home equipment. However, I really like the antique look that I have been getting through my own efforts.
The Fixers are sitting here with sheaths done but I still need to sharpen them.
The titanium Wroach is a long ways off still since they need to be milled, etc...the whole finishing process.
G2 Superbugs are maybe three weeks away from completion with a very small number coming this week with raw bar finish.
My buddy at the machine shop screwed me up with the remaining Mini BrewDrivers because he decided to knock off and do another project rather than finishing mine but he should be back on them this week. As soon as I get them I will be doing a batch in green and probably some other colors as well. Some plain ones will be available for those who ask for them.
The Flea has been renamed the Ghost and I have a small number of them with raw bar finish at heat treat right now, will possibly have them later this week but I don't want to swear to it since the heat treat guys never let me know when my stuff will run through the ovens and tumblers. The remaining LARGE batch is almost done and ready to start tumbling, heat treat etc so will be a few weeks. I'm going to work on these this morning and try to get them out the door by tomorrow to start the finishing journey.
The Raw Bar finished Ghost:

Titanium Prototype Wroach: