Hi Everyone,
It's shaping up to be a gorgeous early August week here in western Massachusetts. The temps are only going to be in the high 70's for the rest of the week which is really a bit cool for this time of year. I'm not complaining though, it will be good sleeping weather not to mention working weather!
Well, today I have a nice surprise for you. I actually started these little gems back in December of last year so that tells you how long some of these projects sit around before I can finally get my act together and get them moving. But this is how it is in a one man shop and when you have so many different projects underway. My natural inclination is to work on the most recent and therefore "exciting" ideas but of course I was equally excited when I cut these all those months ago. It's not always easy but I have to keep telling myself, "Focus Peter, focus!" :)
Anyway, today I have the great pleasure of offering the G6 Prybaby. These are made of titanium in the usual substantial 5/32 thickness (.160 for all you number wonks with calipers). You will note the old fashioned milled V notch and, and, and... making an appearance after many years of absence, the iconic rear screwdriver tip! If I make more of these in steel I will probably be going to the stronger new style V but not sure yet, this may be the only batch of this model that I make since I have so many other Prybaby designs and variations in the works.
This is a mid sized tool so at exactly 3 inches long it's slightly smaller than the old G5 Prybaby and a good bit smaller than the P10 and P13 models. Because of the reduced size I made the wrench openings with just five sizes so they range from 1/4-1/2".
After much debate I decided to depart from all the color anodizing I've been doing lately. Partly because I have a lot of other anodized things planned but also I know there are a lot of people out there who love titanium and want to be able to carry and use the tools instead of relegating them to the status of shelf queen. So for those folks this is going to be a terrific lightweight user tool. And also it gives the people who like to modify their stuff a nice blank canvas on which to play. In keeping with that idea I decided not to sand and tumble these to death but rather left some small surface irregularities and minor marks. Like I said, pure USERS all the way!
The G6 Prybabies will run $70 plus shipping and the link to purchase is below. The batch is not large so it will be a one per customer sale please. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you all enjoy these great tools as much as I enjoyed making them.
G6 Prybabies are gone for now! Thanks very much everyone. :)