OK, I have some Minis ready to go finally. This is the first wave only. I have several wave's worth of these coming over the next few days with several different flavors. This group is the largest and I'm calling it the Mini Plus Prybaby® to distinguish it from the Original Mini Prybaby®. The only difference between the two designs is the 1/4" hex in the body and also the Mini Plus is slightly lighter stock at 1/8" thick. These are all S30v steel.
A word on the tumbling. These have a nice satin stonewashed finish but are not quite as shiny as my recent batches of tools. Also, everything that came back from this tumble has some remnants of bronze heat coloring on the edges and inside surfaces and in the name stamps. This is the result of the tempering oven cycles and usually I don't see this. Not quite sure what they did differently but I want to make it plain up front so that folks don't email me thinking there is rust on any of these pieces. It's NOT rust, just heat coloring.
I will also be doing a portion of these with a bead blasted finish just like the original Minis. So more of them will be coming as I get them done. The straight Mini Plus group with stonewashed finish is what I have done right now so they are up first. XLs will be coming probably tomorrow afternoon. I did not get to any lefties yet. Thanks for checking in folks! :)
Mini Plus Prybabies® are $45 each plus shipping. Link is here:
Sold Out for now, more tomorrow. Thank you!