OK, today I have the first wave of titanium Mini Poltergeists. These have my High Voltage patterning on them and are anodized green. Absolutely gorgeous!
Anyway, the batch is quite small so it's a one per customer sale...they run $70 plus shipping and the link is below. Thanks as always!
Sold Out!

Woohoo! Finally got one! Not to mention this is one of the best I've seen! Yes!
Those look great!
Passed this one up. Hoping for a keyton. They look fantastic though! We'll see if I regret it later!
That was crazy fast! 10 min? Wow, just like old times!
Oh please sell some more of these. They are beautiful and I can't believe I missed out on them by mere minutes.
" RATS " Checked my computer, left for a bike ride , came back and missed them :<(
Can't believe I missed those. :(
Wohoo I got one! Still in disbelief...
How is the anodizing on these, will it wear off quickly on a key chain with keys?
Although the anodizing is tough it will certainly get beat up on your keys. The brass from keys will get deposited on it. If you want to carry on your keys I would sandwich in between two rubberized car keys. Also, finger oils will dull the colors...rejuvenate brightness with glass cleaner.
Thanks for the info on the anodized finish, I guess I will treat this beauty a little more gently than the usual key chain gadgets... :)
Guess I shouldn't have gone to lunch
These are cool!
wow - big bummer missing this one :(
Beautiful work Peter! I have been waiting a long time for something like these.
Missed these beauties but landing several beautiful brook trout today has eased the pain...
wow looking forward, and hopefully getting some of your work :) they look fantastic
Nice looking batch of tools, Peter.... really liking the High Voltage pattern! Congrats to everyone that was able to snag one.... I'm holding out for a batch in blue or ultraviolet......
It's been quite some time since I've seen some patterned stuff come up, nice catch guys! Keep the patterns coming Peter they are AMAZING!!!
My titanium mini arrived and all I can say is WOW. I love the quality of your photos but in this case it is sooo much nicer in person. The iridescence of the color and finish is stunning. I think my favorite tool I have of yours so far. But then it seems the newest always is that way. Thanks Peter
I have to agree about taking pictures of these. Peter your photography is always amazing but pictures do these no justice than actually having one in your hand. The patterning and anodizing are breathtaking and if you change the angle you hold these the pattern changes aswell.
Perfect Peter!
Been waking up throughout the night here (Australia)to check and finally got one!! Looking forward to more fabulous creations :) Thanks Peter
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