Howdy everyone. It's been a gorgeous day and I've spent a good bit of it outside doing Spring painting. Now it's time for a break and a short sale...
I don't have many of these so it's a one per customer sale. I rarely make left handed tools so it would be great if the righties would let the lefties have a go at these. No worries if you are right handed, I have many many more G5 Prybabies underway both in Roid Edition and normal thicknesses as well.
The Left Handed G5 Prybabies are made of S35vn steel with raw bar finish. They are $65 each plus shipping and link is below. Have a great weekend folks!
Lefties are gone, thank you so much!
I got one! So stoked. My first Prybabie. They look awesome, Peter!
Awesome! I am hoping to buy 3 Prybabies for my three sons so to be able to snag one for the lefty is great!
Crap. I'm here in time to make my first purchase, and it's a lecture-only sale. ;-). Oh, the humanity.
My son, who is a lefty is going to be quite happy!
Well done!
It's rare that I get to actually see the purchase page that I got so excited and almost bought one of these! But wait I am not left handed and neither are any of my friends or family that would appreciate this tool? So I leave my opportunity to you lefties out there because I only buy what I am going to use myself or possibly give as a gift to someone? I have not gotten enough chances yet to do the gift thing though but it looks like my luck is changing! I sure would like to have one of those G5's with the Antique Stamp on it (hint, hint...) I missed that one but got lucky on the one before and I love my G5, carry it everyday now! Thanks Peter!
Rob W.
go get 'em lefties!!! you owe me! lol
Cool looking finish (and I guess more rare since they are lefties) but I will practice restraint since I don't swing that way (to the left I mean). Probably with practice I could get the hang of bottle opening with the left hand, but I'm already just so good at it with the right, why throw away all that training and practice? Enjoy the weekend everyone!
Good Grief ! I must have bought the last one, because when I went back to my home page they were all gone. Sorry guys , but I can not tell you how many time this has happened to be :<)
My first leftie Atwood. As a Leftie who's become fairly ambidextrous, I'm going to be very interested how it compares to the standard RH Atwood.
I'll be posting a comparison over at MT.O after it comes. Should be a barnburner :o)
My first Lefty! Man, that's cool!
Left-handed and went out to lunch when these went up. Easier to snag all the Messier objects!
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