Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Bronze Mini Ribbed Lanslides

Hi Folks,

We've had great weather here for the past few days so working away in the shop has not been high on my agenda. But it looks like we're in for a spot of rain over the next few days so I guess it's back to the old grindstone for me. Literally. :)

Today I have some Mini Ribbed Lanslides done. These are in bright machine satin bronze and are the usual $15 each plus shipping. Thanks so much and happy first day of summer!

All gone for now but I will have more shortly, thank you!


eric said...

The early bird gets stuff!

Pär said...

These are awesome, a bit of a vintage look. Will look nice on leather lanyards I imagine :) Thank you Mr Atwood!

Anonymous said...

Great looking lanslides. Thanks Peter!

Lazy Chemist said...

I love these beads and they will go perfectly alongside the titanium ribbed lanslides I picked up a while back. But I could really use a new pocket tool. Something exciting and colorful would be spectacular. I know I've definitely addicted myself to whatever you are producing and will need to find some sort of a nice display case soon enough.

Steve said...

As always good grief!!!! I just happened to be on line at the right time. It must be nice too be so loved :<)

Mike said...

An East Coast Sale.

Isaac said...

Nooo I missed it.

Is there going to another batch?

Brett_nyc said...

Hi Peter,

Great stuff as usual, and I've missed another sale as usual. :) Just out of curiosity, have you ever designed any larger tools, big pry bars, hammers, etc? I remember some of your knives from a few years back that were really exciting. Anything like that getting cooked up?


Paul V. said...

Looks great, man! Thanks for the sale.

QVolve said...

Always on my golf days!

Those gear leash beads look good in any situation!

Maybe next round of them...