Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Raw Bar Stubby MiniBars

Happy Dog Days of Summer everyone! It really has been one for the record books here in the northeast, and I cannot remember a summer quite as hot and sticky as this one. We seem to finally have passed the worst of the heat and humidity though, and temps are supposed to be much more seasonable for the coming week. The rains continue regardless, and this summer may end up rivaling last year's soggy summer when the final moisture tallies come in.

Today I have some more Stubby CPM154 Steel MiniBars for you. These were not surface ground like the previous ones, and so they have a light bar finish on them and are a little bit thicker. The Dungeon Black finish works nicely with the subtle raw bar texture. Most of these were stamped with the usual wide variety of images, but there are a dozen or so plain ones without stamps available as well for anyone who cares to email me. And I have some lefties too for you all you southpaws.

Raw Bar Stubbies will run $60 plus shipping and the link is below. Thanks for popping in this morning and stay cool out there!

All gone, thank you so much folks!


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