Well all good things must come to an end and the New England winter is no exception. Now, we've been lucky to have had a very mild winter so far this year but it appears we will not be able to escape completely unscathed as a storm is supposed to hit tomorrow and give us up to a foot of that dreadful white stuff. Since it's not supposed to start until tomorrow afternoon I have ample time to get to the post office in the morning...so it's a good night for a sale.
In other news, more Bigshots are coming in the next few days as well as more anodized aluminum Longslides. Some steel tools are going to be ready to start grinding in the next week or so. The rest of the ti Pests and Wedgies should be ready to go in the next couple of days. Some new drawings have been happening and events are being set in motion for several really interesting batches of items such as the Wrunt. It's going to be one hell of a spring coming up if I can just keep my nose to the grindstone. Maybe I'll take some juggling lessons, that might help.
So today I have a small batch of tools for my lefthanded friends. These left handed titanium Pests have a plain stonewashed finish and will run $65 plus shipping, the purchase link is below. The batch is small so I'm going to make it one per customer please. As always, I'm hoping you all are having a great week!
LH Pests are gone, thank you!

Stay warm Peter!
Peter, I clicked the purchase link and it brings me to the black widow longslides. Any suggestions?
Got one, it looks like! And I'm left-handed!
Bad link is fixed!
Not only do I finally get one of you tools directly but it's a lefty. *ONE STOKED SOUTHPAW*
I appreciate the lefty tools.
Man - after all the comments emails about left handed items, I cannot believe that I missed out on this, probably the only leftie sale of the year...
One of the few things I don't like about being stationed in Germany is that all of these nifty items come (and go fast!) in the middle of the night.
These are butter smooth, great finish Peter.
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