Well we're getting down to the wire now...I think the mail is moving pretty well this year though so hopefully everyone will be getting these in time for the holidays, at least folks in the US at any rate.
I have more of the Flatbabies done today. There are still a couple dozen more probably that need to be sorted through so even after this sale there will be some left. Once again, these are 420 stainless steel, .070 thick, 3 inches long, with a laser engraved name stamp and they have been heavily tumbled. A nice back up piece for the wallet and in fact G5b stands for "backup". They run $45 plus shipping.
Second Wave is gone, thank you very much!

Received mine in the mail yesterday and it is awesome. Went right into my wallet and can't even tell it's there. Hope those that missed the first wave are able to snag one. Merry Christmas.
Thanks Peter, I think the G5b may be my favorite Prybaby design so far. Nice work!
got mine!!! finally!! good luck everyone!
Wooohooo!!! Finally got one!!
Thanks Peter!!
Hi Peter, I was able to order one and was curious of the dimensions of the Gb5. Merry Christmas!
Yaaaa babyyy score again!
Thanks as always folks! Hope you all have a terrific holiday season and don't get too stressed out. :)
The G5b Prybabies(R) are 3 inches long, just under 1 inch wide and are .070 thick so yes, they are thin but still quite substantial. They feel just right for a flat tool IMO.
I'm curious why these are being made from 420? This isn't a very 'high grade steel' as you're known for. I'm sure there's a practical reason, but would love to know it.
Can't wait to put this backup in my wallet! Thanks Pete!
thanks peter!! i got the first batch and they are pretty strong for the size they are.. i tried to bend with my fingers to see if it would give a little but it didnt good work again! glad that i had such a good first time experience
This will be my G5bb. Just in case I lose my wallet I know I have atleast one more of my favorite Atwood products stashed away.
Thanks Peter.
I used 420 because neither S30v or 3v are available in this thin of material and I wanted hardenable steel for this project, not the softer titanium. For this little light duty tool there really is no need for super premium material. Plus 420 should be more corrosion resistant than S30v. Now, I do have a special order in for more of this thickness in S30v for kitchen knives and that is shipping this week. So maybe I'll do another run of these in S30v next year.
I just want to add that there is nothing wrong with 420 stainless steel. Just because it isn't considered "super premium" by the steel geeks doesn't mean it isn't perfectly serviceable and strong for many applications. The Rockwell on this is the mid 50's so that's not shabby and since there is no edge holding requirement...besides that, the steel is a lot less brittle so should be harder to break. ;)
after following this blog for what feels like years I finally got a tool. sweet!
For wallet carry I have my Ti Ruler and one would be surprised how handy it can be at times. Last use was a quick 3/8" measure for a chainsaw link on my saw.
Guessing it is about the same thickness as the G5b Flatbaby.
Look forward to the next round as I passed on this one.
I know the rulers were a pain... but how cool would a graduated prybaby be?! marks on the flat of the not pry side. I use the ruler on my leatherman once a week.
Peter anyother "flat" tools on the drawing board? They are a great idea and very handy! Looking forward to the new year and the many new tools that are coming!!! Stay warm!! Gary (<:
Thank you! Yes, he is coming this winter. :p
The description card does NOT say 420 steel on the first batch? Are they 420 or S3x something?
Yes, they are all 420. I realized after someone else brought it up that I had forgotten to change the card.
I checked every hour over the weekend for a sale...then I missed this one.....
More flat tools?! Sounds good!
I'm a first time Atwood buyer and was very happy with the flatbaby. I'm hooked! Great work Peter and I look forward to buying more awesome tools next year.
Hi Peter, and thanks for making such great tools!
I am going to agree with Easy Wind on the ruler addition. But I KNOW what a pain cutting the lines in is/could be... but now that you doing the laser engraving, hint, hint, hint ;)
Not that I have ever done any laser work, so it could be as hard as machining all them itty bitty marks?
merry Chrismas to all, and to all some good tools
Super excited I got this! If it arrives in time for xmas, all I have to decide is who gets it... (present for myself, perhaps? ;)
Thanks Peter for the comment on your choice of 420 steel. I had no real concerns, just wanted the knowledge and something to stuff back at people who whinged.
Got one in my wallet right now. I dig it. It's llovely.
Still, Ti w/ measuring marks in metric and inches would indeed be swell.
I just received my G5b and really like it. I am curious if anybody has flown and carried theirs on. Any hassle from security?
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