Cold, rainy and gray today, a good day for a sale!
The G5b Flatbabies are up today...b stands for "backup" in this case. The minimalist folks will love these ultralight .070" thin Prybabies(R) made of hardened 420 stainless steel. They are perfect for backup wallet or keychain carry and they won't weigh you down. The 1/4" hex driver opening makes for a nice little addition to the original G5 design along with the classic 1/4 - 9/16" wrench set, 5/16" wrench and cap lifter. Despite it's low profile the G5b is still strong enough for light duty prying jobs such as opening a paint can. One of the cool features is the new 1/4" hex opening, since it allows you to hang the tool from your keys or tie a lanyard on from either end.
The G5b Flatbabies run $45 each plus shipping. This is the first of several waves coming over the next few days. Thanks for stopping in today!
First wave is gone but I have many more to sort through and get packaged up for tomorrow and the weekend. Thank you!

These are a great idea Peter. Any chance of a batch or two made out of titanium?
Very nice!!!
Any thoughts on revisiting other designs in a flat version, thinking Crawdaddy...
Nice! I love it. Thanks Peter.
Wow...must have just got in under the wire! Paid on Paypal, came back to this site and the purchase link was gone. I like these Peter...what size is the opening in the pry tip...1/4"?
very happy for a first buy... hope to see more stuff
God, I think I got the last one. Paid, came back and the link was closed.
Ohhhhh--I want one!!! Need to start checking the blog at the crack of dawn!!
First time buyer, your work looks amazing. I'm very excited to own one, can't wait to get it. THanks!
Is "Atwood" stamped? Looks different.
Oh yes, good eye! I forgot to mention that I messed up the order of production with this batch and sent them to heat treat before stamping. (don't ask, too many projects going on!) Anyway, once the tools are hardened you can't stamp I could have electro etched them but I decided instead to finally try a laser etch, something that I have wanted to try for years. I'm very happy with the result and glad to know it is finally a viable option for me.
Hi I would like one! Do you have any left?
Cool! thought is was etched like the mid-tech EDK's due to thinness.
That's so freaking nice Peter ! ~Ryan
Peter, can you discuss the reasoning behind the design changes, specifically the loss of the pry "fingers"? I'm guessing it was a concern over strength, but wouldn't the new 1/4" opening compromise the pry strength in a similar way? Not complaining, just curious. . .
Well I just discussed it in the writeup. I wanted to add another function to a flat tool which does not have enough meat on the end to grind it and turn it into a forked end. I also wanted to make it so you could hang it the other way around for people who don't need a bottle opener and want a wrench tool only.
Laser etching, very cool. Those that got in on the sale have a rare piece of art.
Peter I have been hitting refresh since yesterday morning hoping to score. Now I have to go do things with the kids and I am sure, with my luck, I will miss the sale. Anyway nice tool, if I miss it hopefully next time....
Nice variation on a theme, Peter. Missed them (of course) but will keep an eye out for one on the secondary market.... and hey, if you want to do a Flat Ti version, that's OK with me!! :)
These look great! It's been a while since I've had a new piece... I hope to change that soon!
Hi Peter,
Got my G5b today. They're awesome. The laser logo turned out supurb! Great addition to my keys. Thanks again!
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