Today I have the second round of steel Pests done. Once again, these are stonewashed S30v steel in my normal thickness, 5/32. A simple, handy and elegant little tool that feels great in the hand and rides easily on a keychain. They are $50 plus shipping. Thanks for stopping by on this fine Saturday!
Second wave is all gone, thank you so much folks!

Finally, tracked down a piece and no EBay! Another Lanslide is on my radar. Thank you Peter for the opportunity to purchase your work at a fair price. I find PPT fun and disappointing at the same time. Sort of like a good cat and mouse game with me. Keep up the great work! Glad I found out about your tools...and scored!
Thanks Peter for making these. I finally found that elusive "purchase link".
Was able to get two of these yesterday, one for me and one for a gift. Therefore sitting this one out today. Super excited as they will be my first item with the atwood stamp.
Hoping for prybaby roid's soon. Any hope?
Peter I absolutely love your photography,"BUT" this picture does not have the stunning visual appeal, high drama,and packed action of your last photograph of the Pest.God created Man and the Critic at the same time.
Ridiculous. Those pix are great. I'm really looking forward to getting my Pest. I got one in green ano, but I always love the steel tools? I have no idea why. Because I love the Ti. I can only figue it must be the "heft" that I like so much. Beefiness? Hell, I don't know. It can be as ludicrous as the feel of "getting my monies worth". Just love the steel, I reckon....
Huh my comment on the previous "Pest" picture was meant to be tongue-in cheek.The last picture contained the image of one of my favorite ADULT BEVERAGES in the process of being opened.The new one (sadly)lacked said image. Peter I just saw the shrade copy of one of your tools. You have spawned a whole genera of people trying to ride the coat tails of your success. :)
Looks like I missed out on another one. Looking good, as always. Maybe I will manage to catch something soon!
Sorry, Steve. No offense. For some ridiculous reason I am a rabid "Peter" supporter/defender. MUST be some subconscious "suck up to Peter" section in my brain that I don't know about. No worries, bro. Hell, you know I'm an A-hole. Even I'm a big enough man to admit it. Must come with the job and dealing with scumbags 24/7.......
This piece will look great with my Subaru keys. :)
Got mine today and I love it....thank you you know it will be used daily....scared, abused and dented...but I think that's what one should expect from a tool...especially one you can hold and feel good about...and no EBay...PPT is a lot fun...hope to do business again soon....missed the Lanslide today...oh well next time!
I understand Paul V's sentiments. I love my Ti Pests, but the Steel one has that heftier, bad to the bone feel.
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