The past few days have been rather gloomy but the sun is out today which always lifts my spirits even though it's a little chilly outside...I think I know what is coming soon and it's going to be cold, white and unpleasant. :D
Projects updates: Steel Pests are coming along and should be done in a couple of days. Same with the G5 Roid Prybabies. Also, a couple of other goodies should be on the way for next weekend. There will be lots of stocking stuffer type items for the next few weeks. Roid Keytons are probably not going to happen until January, same with ti Keytons, I just can't get to everything this year.
Today I have more of the steel Bookies done. These are $60 plus shipping and the purchase link is below...hope everyone is heading for a relaxing weekend!
All gone for now, thank you so much! :)

My first bit of Christmas shopping! Thanks Peter. These look great. Now if only you can put another batch up so I can get someone to get me one for Christmas!
Sweet! Scored one!!
So I tell myself; I don't need any more tools, but I keep looking at the blog. And there it is, a purchase link, and my fingers just keep going. I guess that's addiction. Steel addiction is much better than a chemical addiction. Only my wallet suffers, and mayby my marriage, sigh. Still pretty pleased that I got a Bookie. Thanks Peter.
Okay. What Android APP can I use to update me when Peter updates his blog for sales? I've been using gReader but despite all I do in the settings it still doesn't find his updates for like 4 hours. Way too late to make a purchase. Thank you.
Zatx: You caught this sale in time.
Another for the collection.
Pleasantly surprised several times recently with the sales tending to last longer and longer, Great job Peter! Of course it all still sells out in a very short amount of time due to demand but if someone really wants one and watches out they have a chance these days. It is just instinct to click on any purchase link that shows up but finally the brain kicked in and reminded me I received mine yesterday from the first round of these new Steel models. This is one great desk tool and it sliced open every piece of mail in the house! I even opened junk mail before I shredded it just because I CAN!(insert evil laugh) this thing is very sharp and be careful. Peter you weren't kidding about the thinner metal and how sharp that edge would be it works as smooth as butter. So I backed off the purchase now button to leave more for others and I hope another lucky soul gets to have one of these for their desk. Thanks Peter!
Got mine in the mail yesterday. Very nicely done, Peter! Good luck to everyone else in getting one of these!
Scored one! Now the big decision, is it a keeper of a Christmas gift...Ugh!
Peter, did that sell set a new record and last an hour or more? I forgot to look at the time and see. You are definitely making progress, keep it up! We appreciate all of the hard work you have done, thanks.
Got it! My first sharp Atwood tool. :)
Peter -- You're welcome. This will make for a handy sharp, masquerading as a bookmark/letter opener. Thanks. -R
I think you had the sweater out anyway. Stay warm up there.
No shit!I see the "purchase link" and cannot stop myself from buying "what ever" About the only tool that hasn't called my name is the Locknut Monster, or Double Header, and I still agonize over those. I'm debating buying them right now. I tell you, man, Peter is fiendishly clever..........
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