Saturday, December 16, 2023

Vintage Atwood Tiles

Howdy Folks!

Well I was looking through my old ceramic work and found a few more neat little pieces. 

An old friend had been vacationing down in the islands and she brought back a couple of beautiful sea fans for me. I really loved the textures that these could make in soft clay and I used them often. They were one the delightful discoveries that got me to switch from wheel throwing to hand building from slabs towards the end of my potting days. 

The sea fans remind me so much of giant leaf skeletons and their classic shapes show nature's deep connection between land and sea...Anyway, I even carried them into my metal work a few years later. The silica skeletons are so tough that they can withstand some light sandblasting, so I was able to use them as stencils to create my "Snake Skin" and "Coral Reef" patterns. They eventually did fall apart but they were cool while they lasted.

Here are some small 3 x 3 inch tiles with sea fan texturing and various other stamps. They vary a lot with how much glaze is on them, some sparse, some thick and some medium, but they are all kinda cool, and there are 9 of them total. There's a small notch on the back side so they could be hung on the wall with sheetrock screw if you wish, or they would make a neat little decorative item for windowsill or garden. Tiles like these are nice for testing glazes and stamps so maybe I will think about making a few new ones this winter.

Vintage Small Tiles are $25 plus shipping and the link is below. Have a great weekend!

Sold Out, thanks so much! :)



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