Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Black Delrin 6 Flute Megas

Hi Folks,

I hope you all are gearing up for a safe holiday season. We'll be playing it very low key this year and that's just fine, better safe than sorry for sure...good time for me to hunker down and concentrate on working...

I'm making good headway on projects...steel MiniBar+ tools are close to the finish line, just waiting on packaging materials today. Just got the milling done on half of the steel P20 Prybabies so there is a good chance I can get them to completion before the end of the year. Bronze QuickDraws should be done in a week or two...SpaceNails are coming next week. New ti TightWads are still in the queue and I hope to get one batch done before Christmas.

Today I have the Black Delrin 6 Flute Mega beads for you. These are my personal favorites of the Delrin beads, and I like to use them on pocket knives especially. I tied these up with camo cord for a nice look. I left these kind of dry so that they don't ruin the insert cards and make a mess. But if you want to deepen the black color a little you can give them a quick wipe either with WD-40 or any kind of oil and that will bring out the color even more.

Black Delrin 6 Flute Megas will run $25 each and there is no limit on this big batch. Thanks for dropping by, and please stay safe out there, covid is truly getting ugly lately. 

All gone, thank you everyone!


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