I just started grinding these yesterday so it will be at least two weeks or so before they are completed. But the good news is they are finally in the works....total length on these is 3.5" so they are a bit longer than a regular Prybaby®. I may also do a shorter metric version up the road without screwdriver end. Metric sizes 6,8,10,12,14,16mm. SAE sizes 1/4, 5/16, 3/8, 7/16, 1/2, 9/16.

Looking great, Peter.
Looks great Peter!
i live in a metric country oh yeah :)
Really looking forward to the metric items! Could you give us some information concerning prize and number of items available?
Fantastic work, as usual.
What's the approximate price point and will these be lotto or general offering?
Thanks guys. :)
General release, probably $65 each. I don't have a tremendous number of them but can always do a second run after the holidays. I might so a mixed batch of the metric ones next time, half a sheet of long and the other half short. Or maybe even an all stainless version of the shorty if my steel explorations bear fruit.
Finally! They look good Peter. I will have to admit though that I wish the SAE version also had the "M" lanyard hole. The "M" looks BA!
Metric! At last!!! :DDDDDDDDDD
Sweet! My bike bike is completely metric!
Now that's cool... double bonus points for the crisp design and elegantly simple solution to I.D. metric-sized tools.
Peter, do you plan to make some metric Prybabies with glow dots, and/or DLC versions?
The "M" lanyard hole is really simple but very aesthetic detail!
Metric - this is great, Peter! Exactly what the old world is looking for ;)
I hope I don't miss it because I really want one. With that lanyard hole...
(metric GER)
Hmmm, I don't know yet about glow dots on this bunch, maybe might do a couple. DLC probably not this batch.
Sweet! Peter, that is a HOME RUN!!!!
This is very nice, although my bike shop just told me that I will need 15mm to take the pedals off.......!
Yummie, me like!!!!
Wonderfull!!! Metric G3's!!
nice! please please make some XL versions! good to see the screwdriver back on the end of the prybaby (that is one right?).
one comment - do you think that if there is a lanyard through the "M" shaped lanyard hole, that the sharp part of the M will prematurely wear out the lanyard?
do want
Nice!! Now that is the ultimate Prybaby! Beautifully done, Peter!!
No, I don't think the pointy part of the M will be a big issue and even if it does snag the lanyard paracord is simple and cheap enough to replace.
Super!!! I love it.
..that's great Peter ... these will be really useful this side of the pond..
Hi Peter,
That one looks great, I love the dedicated lanyard hole (but I'm biased) and the addition of the screw tip. One thing I thought I'd mention however is that the last two times I used my G3 prybaby to open up a "wobbly pop" it cracked and chipped big pieces of glass off the top of the bottle...has anyone else experienced this or just me!?
Awesome as always Peter! Something just occurred to me. The way you have the grooves along the sides, looks an awful lot like the grooves to hold the O-rings in place on your captive bit series. That got me thinking. Is there room to put a 1/4" bit drive in the gap between the wrenches and the cap lifter? There is definitely no room for the bit, but it would be cool to have the o-ring bit driver there... Just a thought anyway.
Also, Having just had mini-bug-out-blades on the brain, while fiddling with my ringthing (geez, that sounds all wrong). I got to thinking that a MBOBlade, or SOPT with a ringthing handle would be awesome! I find that the minimum size handle that I like is about what you have on the SOPT or MBOBlade. The Ringthing handle is just about perfect. Add to it the slightly larger blade, and the pry end and it would rock still further!(maybe keep the position of the ringthing cap lifter and add the MBoB blade in front?) Something like that would be the ultimate convergence of Atwood brilliance! IMHO, of course!
All the best Peter! Keep up the fantastic work!
Will you only sell the metric ones to us gang in Europe ;-)
Really longing for one of these...
Look great. Hopefully one will make it to Welsh Wales!
The metric sizes on this are all even sizes (10, 12, 14 etc), I don't know about the US, but here in Australia, the odd sizes are much more common (11, 13, 15 etc). Is there a chance of getting some with these sizes?
Nice looking tools as usual.
Scott, what I need to do someday is make the odd number scale and the do a release of the FunnyBone tool with all the sizes represented. It's a bunch of work to make a set of hex sizes so it isn't going to happen anytime soon. When I originally created the metric tools I asked and did some research and it seems like the even numbers were more common. But what do I know, being an American and all. :)
Good stuff. Been waiting for a metric version. Very useful indeed...
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