Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Thank You and More Atwood Tools in Progress

First off, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all the folks who either bid on the recent folder on Ebay or who were following it's progress. I was extremely surprised to see it go so high to be perfectly honest and am quite humbled. I was also amazed that over 120 people were watching the auction. Wow! So thank you all and also thank you for the nice comments about it.

There will be two more folders coming up when I get them finished and they will also go up on Ebay. That will be it for Atwood folders for 2007 I think, the first folders I have made in over two years. No clue yet if I will make more next year or not. If I do make more it will not be many that's for sure. I enjoy making them every now and then but I really do much prefer my little tools.

In the meantime it's back to our regularly scheduled programming. I have a good sized batch of stuff going into heat treat tomorrow and that would include Crawdaddies, BottleBugs and Area 51 Mini Keytons. I hope to start more G2 Prybabies pretty soon and I have tons of whistles to get to as well. Also the last 12 of the Micro Bug Out Blades will be getting sheaths very soon followed by a batch of full sized Bug Out Blades. So, look for stuff on my website probably early next week.


Anonymous said...

Yes!! Gimme those good stuff!!!

Anonymous said...

Peter, thanks for the update. any new pocket tool designs comming out soon?


SK Dora said...

Bug out blades!!!! WOW!!! Count on me I'll for sure try to buy one!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Peter,

Well done again with the recognition on the UFO, and the grief on the other blog is unjustified.

Are any of the Crawdaddies gonna be metric ?


Anonymous said...


The good part about a blog is that you can engage the public - the lousy part about a blog is that you engage the public. Don't take either the adulatory praise or the vicious condemnation too seriously. You are doing cool things that, by and large, people like.

Rick M

scott said...

any MSoP's coming out soon? i've been following for months and was hopeing to get 2 for christmas presents.. just wondering if i should start looking for alternatives. thanks!

Anonymous said...

Peter, I was sooooo happy to see you making folders again!! Your knives ARE spectacular!! My Solar Arc will NEVER leave me!! I KNEW that that UFO knife would bring in the big $$$$$$$!! I always look forward to see what you are creating next!!

Anonymous said...

will we ever see a return of Son of PryThing. That's all I want - Simple request... Just a couple of back-to-basics Son of PryThings - Is that too much to ask for....

Please, I beg of you, more Son of PryThing :-)

Peter Atwood said...

I'm not making a lot of knives right now, mostly the little tools. Will eventually be doing more of the SOPTHings and MSOPTHings but I don't even have anything started at the moment.

scott said...

thanks for the response.. maybe next x-mas then..

Anonymous said...

I am sad :-(

Anonymous said...

Why don't you address my comment about selling the knives at a set price to people whose names you draw out of a hat as a fair way to sell the knives? Why don't you mention that in here or is it really just all about money after all?

Peter Atwood said...

For you they are twice as much. Your comments are simply ridiculous. EVERY business is in existence to make money or weren't you paying attention when that subject came up in school?