Sunday, June 10, 2007

I'm Getting There!

Patience please! :) LOL, I've been in and out of the shop a bunch this last week but I'm getting myself back into a production mindset. I think this week will see a fair amount of activity.

I'm slowly working my way through a huge pile of Son of PryThings and hope to get them done in the next week and get them into heat treat.

The machine shop that I work with is being a pain so the diamond knurl whistles are still in limbo. I was told "tomorrow" every day last week and am frankly disgusted with their service. Hang in there though, supposedly this week I will be seeing some pieces to finish and assemble. We'll the end of the run they will be turning some damascus too...

Other projects that are on deck and are set to start grinding include Mini Keytons, new and improved Mini Prybabies, Bug Out Bars and a few others.

There will be a couple of misc. pieces coming out this week as well if all goes according to plan.


Anonymous said...

It sounds like YOU are going to be VERY busy!!
I am sorry that the machine shop is being like with you! That must be very frustrating!!
I look forward with much anticipation to see what is next.

aikiman44 said...

So here I am eating chocolates growing a butt and I thought you might have retired!

oneeyedelf1 said...

Sounds like the machine shop is spending their time with a different customer(ahh thats business, you want all your customers to stay with you, but can't meet everyones deadlines). Sucks that they are dicking you around with tomorrow, tomorrow. Still can't wait for side by side diamond and rifle knurl.

SK Dora said...

Wow what a huge bunch of wonderful things will come!! I'm thrilled to know that two of my preferences will be back on stock soon! If a whish/waiting list for bug out blade exist please put me on I'll buy one for sure.