I made a very small batch of these recently and should have a few ready this week. Waiting on O-rings and bits to arrive from MSC. As you can see, I updated the first Bike Tool considerably. I added a second bit holder, one bit is 4mm and the other 5mm, and the two most common sizes of spoke wrenches on the lower V shaped area. I fitted a bottle opener along the lower edge with a 3/8" wrench opening (I know, 3/8" doesn't correspond to anything on a bike but at least it is an additional tool). I also added a second 1/4" hex opening on the upper corner of the tool so now the user has the option of a T handle driver or having the bit on the end for fitting into tighter spots. All in all I think it is a very cool tool. :) There are only about a dozen of these that will be available this go round but more are planned for after the holidays and also a variant non bike tool may appear.

Makes me feel like buying a new bike just for the privilege of using this tool on it :D
Peter your tools are becoming more and more interesting with time!
Holy cow....that is one sweet monster!! I am not sleeping before I can grab some of the coming goodies. :D Oh, just for your reference, the crawdady is now my official electric guitar tool. It works extremely well when doing some guitar maintenance such as tightening the tuners, opening up the circuit cavity, adjusting the bridge and tail piece. In fact, I'm gonna call mine "Guitar-gator". Don't you think the crawdady looks like a alligator? haha~
Booger in the desert
We are going to see just how tough these tough little tools are. I'm off to the Sahara and the High Atlas, North Africa on expedition work early next year and my Atwoods are coming along for the ride - I hope they like it hot!
Fattening up the Keytons for the winter.... :-D
That is sooo cool!!! Looks like a space-age tool that would people use for their flying cars (or in this case...their bikes). haha =] NICE work man!!
Thats what I'm talking about. It's got everything you need, for mountain biking at least. Awesome work man. Huge improvement from the first prototype.
i have a brand new hardtail and i HAD no reason to take it apart. This looks like the reason. i just hope it all goes back together. lol
What is the overall size of the bike tool?
LOVE IT! this is going right is my commuter bag for my trail ride to work! lady luck don't fail me now!
Dan, these are just about 4 inches long by 1.5 inches wide.
Wow, looks awesome. :)
Completely and utterly cool Peter! Now I need a new single speed!!
GRRR i missed the prybabies somehow? i guess im a little bitter. i check on these tools more that i check on my girlfriend. im just going to have to get one of these, thats if the tool gods allow me to....
Definite improvement over version 1.0, both more useful and cooler. It will replace my Surly wheel wrench, full set of Allens, and spoke wrench.
It also appears that you read our comments and made good use of them...
very nice... is the large opening 15mm?
I am going to do everything in my power to obtain one of these tools. It is a superb design.
Yes, large opening is 15mm.
Thank you for the nice comments folks! :) I had input on this tool both from comments on the blog and also from one of the top bike mechanics in the country.
Ahhhhh!!! It's a Mini Keyton on Steroids!! hahaha =]
Lance Armstrong would love one of this. A nice yellow anodizing and "Live Strong" etched on the side...
I see them up on the site -- they're not already gone, are they?
OK....this is....getting really really hot. I was on the phone for 10 minutes. I checked the homepage before I talked on the phone. 10 minutes later, the status became sold out. Er!!! I'm just not lucky enough these days. Gotta do better!! Need to get myself some of this good stuff!!
It was actually up and available for about thirty-five minutes. Not too bad, everything considered...
Actually they were gone in under 10 minutes. I wish a had a ton more of them but I'm scrambling to get another batch together for right after the holidays.
I guess I don't feel too bad for missing it now considering that it was an extremely small time frame that it was even available. Though I was checking in every thirty minutes or so. Maybe next time... =?
Too bad I missed them too :(
Well, there are some other (old) Atwood items on sale on eBay... even though they're gonna skin me alive I will try to get one for compensation :/
damn i missed them as well:(remind me to kill my wife when she gets home!! she was home all morning and afternoon till 230pm..
darn i missed them as well:( my wife was home all morning and afternoon till atleast 2pm!! remind me to kill her when she gets home!!!!
Silly me, I was only checking every 2 hours. I'dve had a better chance with a lottery. I guess this means the market value is way higher than the list price...
For those of you who missed , theres one selling on Ebay right now...
Dammit! I knew I should have limited these to one per person but by the time I thought of it I already was busy with orders.
I know it's completely Peter's decision, but if it were me, I would not allow that assbag to ever buy another one of these tools through this website. Doing what he's doing directly goes against what Peter has said he's trying to do.
What an asshole.
I hope you will bring back this tool as I have only recently stumbled upon this site and take my bike up into the remote corners of Sonoma County. Short of pumping air in the tires, it looks like it could cover any issue up in the mountains . . . Awesome
One of these fantastic tools has appeared on E-Bay with a Make An Offer option. I have made an offer for what I believe was the price, inclusive of shipping, that these were offered at on this site.
Wish me luck!
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