Thursday, October 24, 2024

Zirconium Hexy Mini Beads

Happy Thursday Everyone!

It was spooky warm out there when I took out the trash this morning. They are calling for mid 70's for Halloween which is almost unheard of here.

Not too much to report on the tool front, but I will have lots coming up over the next few days.

Today I have some new Zirconium Mini Hexy Beads for you. These are real beauties, with a slightly polished and deep torch blackened finish. They remind me a little of obsidian, with a very pleasing proportion and heft to them. Name stamped on one side. This is a portion of the batch, with a second wave coming up in a couple of weeks.

Zirconium Mini Hexy Beads will run $35 plus shipping and the link is below. Thanks for slipping by today, and I hope your week is going great!

These are sold out for now, thank you so much! A variation on this design will be coming in a few weeks so please stay tuned. :) 


Tuesday, October 22, 2024

A51 Stamped Steel Mini Superbug Tools!

Hi Folks,

Another glorious fall day here in New England! The leaves that are left have been falling steadily and when it is quiet in the woods you can hear them raining down along with the acorns. We did have a few nice glimpses of bright color over the past week due to the near frost temperatures so it wasn't a total washout. I have been blowing leaves and cleaning up my gardens for the winter. Hoping to protect my many bags of strawberry plants for the cold weather so they will come back next year. Every day we get a handful (even this morning!) and they were the big hit of the year.   

Just got done finishing up the first wave of Zirconium Mini Hexy beads and those will be coming later this week. I'm halfway through grinding the Ti E115 tools. And still working on more beads and tools.

Today I have a couple dozen remaining CPM 154 Steel Mini Superbug tools. These are stamped, although I do have some plain ones if anyone wants to request them. I also have both stamped and plain left handed ones as well.

Stamped Steel Mini Superbugs will run $75 plus shipping and the link is below. Thanks as always for popping in, and hope you all have a great week!

Sold Out, thank you so much!

Thursday, October 17, 2024

C-51 Timascus Hangmen!

Hi Folks,

Lovely stretch ahead for us here with bright clear and sunny skies for the next week. I think we might have gotten a tinge of frost last night though and so lots of garden cleanup and leaf blowing lies ahead for me. 

I'm still beavering away on stuff in the shop. I will have Zr Mini Hexy Beads and ti E115 tools coming up next. Also have some more steel tools on the way and some misc ti Atwrenches.

Today I have the remaining Timascus Hangmen for you. I elected to anodize these with neutral "C-51" anodizing which gives a sort of silvery pewter type of look and shows off the patterning but in an understated way. The kids might call it "chill", haha...These are all stamped with a wide variety of images. 

C-51 Timascus Hangmen will run $75 plus shipping and the link is below. Have a great weekend and thanks for coming by today!

All gone, thank you so much!


Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Stamped Timascus Hangmen!

Happy Tuesday Everyone!

We finally got a couple of days of rain to break the drought, and the weather has turned much cooler. Might see a frost tomorrow night! We actually are seeing a few red maple leaves today, but a lot of leaves have already fallen with the weekend rain storms. Looks like we will get a few more mild days by the weekend and then it will start getting a lot colder after that. 

I've mostly been working on these little timascus pieces and zirconium beads for the past few days but I will get back to some tools in a day or two.

Today I have some gorgeous Timascus Hangman hooks for you! In addition to the brilliant colors, these are all stamped as well with my wide variety of image stamps. I have a few with neutral C-51 anodizing for those who are allergic to color and who wish to email me...But otherwise they are mostly torch colored and have bright gold, purple and blue tones. 

Stamped Timascus Hangmen will run $75 plus shipping and the link is below. Thanks for coming by, and hope you all are staying safe and dry out there!

All gone for today, thank you so much!

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Zircuti Beads!

Hi Everyone,

It's starting to turn much cooler here in Massachusetts. The leaves are dull drab yellow and brown, so as far as color goes it is the most disappointing leaf season I have ever seen. I guess it's mostly because of the warmer than usual temperatures this past month combined with very little rain. Anyhow, I'm just glad we don't have the dreadful rains they are having down South and in FL.Yikes! Stay safe out there folks.

I've been busy down in the shop for the past few days. In addition to preparing for colder weather, I've been doing some maintenance and cleaning up. Yesterday I completely redid my anodizing setup so that it will be good to go for another year or two. I'm part way through grinding the titanium E115 tools and will have those coming up shortly. I've been diligently hand buffing timascus and zircuti parts to prepare them for torch coloring and other finishes. I have a batch of Zr Mini Hexy beads coming up in a few weeks. Zr E115 tools are on deck for initial preparation prior to milling. I keep putting off grinding steel Prybabies but they are actually coming soon. And I have several other items brewing too. More mugs are coming as well in the next few days.

Today I have the first wave of Zircuti Mini Hexy beads for you. These are 1/2 inch in diameter as opposed to 5/8 inch of the first batch of hexy beads, so a little bit slimmer. And, they are slightly longer so the overall proportions are very nice and serve to showcase the patterning very nicely. Speaking of patterns, wow, these are spectacular! Bright contrasting colors and wild anodizing effects. If you like crazy these are sweet. If you don't like lots of color I do have a handful of plain ones reserved without anodizing for those who wish to request it, but the patterning is very subtle.

Zircuti Mini Hexy Beads will run $45 plus shipping. This is only about half the batch today, so lots more are coming, so if you miss today and want to email me, I am happy to hook you up anytime...the order link is below. Have a great weekend everyone and thanks for coming by today. :)

All gone for today but more on the way, thank you!



Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Three More Mugs!

Hi Folks,

Got a few more mugs done for you. These are some beauties...

Mug #1: Pirate Girl returns! With two poses, treasure chest and crossed sword and flintlock pistol inside. $75 plus shipping:

Sold, thank you so much!

Mug #2: Earth Goddess with Victorian Sun and butterflies, dragonfly pattern on the bottom. Spectacular piece! $75 plus shipping:
Sold, thanks again!   

Mug #3 Celtic Ferns with small dragonfly inside. Little bit smaller at about 12 oz, $60 plus shipping.
Sold, thank you very much!


Gen 2 Steel MikroStiks

Happy Wednesday!

It's gloomy and overcast today, and supposedly we will finally get some rain tonight and tomorrow. Good day for a sale I think...

Today I have some steel MikroStiks for you. These are the Gen 2 version, and they are all stamped I believe. There are some smooth ones and a few with light raw bar finish as well.

Steel MikroStiks will run $55 plus shipping and the link is below. Thanks for slipping by today, and hope your week is going great!

All gone, thanks very much!


Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Zr QuickDraws

What a fine Tuesday morning out there today! The air is crisp and tons of leaves are turning gold. I'm sure I will be raking them up in a week or two.  

Today I have a handful of Zirconium QuickDraws for you. A cool little tool and not one that I am likely to make again anytime soon. These are generously stamped with a wide variety of images.

Zr QuickDraws will run $65 plus shipping and the link is below. Thanks for popping in today and hope your week is shaping up to be a good one.

Gone in a jiffy, thanks so much!