Tonight I have the first wave of E115 tools done. These are made of S35vn steel and this bunch has the raw bar finish. OAL is 3 1/4" and they feature a wrench set ranging from 1/4" to 1/2" plus a 1/4 hex opening and pry tip. These will run $65 plus shipping and the link is below. As always, thank you!
Sold out, thank you!

I admit it. I ordered it because it has an Atwood stamp and that's my name. D. Atwood.
Is this the first run of these?
Looks great! Must...resist. Holding out for the G5's.
I really like this tool Peter! Nice way to start the week. Thanks!
Ok, I admit it. I am addicted to Atwood Pocket Tools and my life has become unmanageable.
Just nabbed my fourth raw bar finished tool! Thanks Peter!
Interesting little tool. I wonder how much torque can be put on a nut without it bending or breaking?
Sweet! Awesome! Got one for me and one for my dad. I showed him the poltergeist when he came over for Easter and he thought your work was genius. He's a retired engineer and real estate developer. Now he has a winery and he's aleays looking for cool tools. Thanks Peter!
What a beauty I think I will enjoy this every bit as much as my first Atwood tool. I have been watching for the sales ever since you came back into action and have not been fast enough yet.
BTW; I am glad all turned out well and you are safe and sound.
So even though I would have gladly purchased one of everything posted since your comeback I think I like this one best? I guess things work out for a reason, but I still wish I had the others.
I won't be greedy though I am now lucky enough to be the proud owner of two Atwood Tools!
You set a great example of high standards and quality of workmanship that we could all learn from and I truly appreciate the time that goes into your work.
Thank you!
Wooo Hooo, I got me an Atwood Tool!
haha...damn it.. i missed it again.. sheez..
So close...
Too late for this run, but I like the simple elegance of the Element -- very nice.
sold out again? oh rats!
I really like the design of this tool. Reminds me of the Atwrench. Been cool to see a bunch of raw bar tools too. :)
Omg, I have nvr evr seen the "buy link" b4 in my life.
I see buy it buttons most of the time, waiting for Ti tools.
These look awesome. Keeping my eye on the blog to hopefully get in on one of the next batches. Really nice work. Great combination of form, function & design on all your pieces.
First atwood tool : )
Anyone know when some knives might be available?
Peter, anymore Gear Leashes down the line?
Jay, actually I have a ton of them her enow if you want to email me. Just haven't gotten around to doing another sale for them.
E115 now in my pocket.... this thing is flippin' sweet. In the hand this really looks and feels like a cool alien artifact... which just goes to show you that even aliens have not switched over to metric.
When is the next tools sale expected?
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