At heat treat right now:
Metric DoubleHeaders
More Metric DoubleHeaders
Oddball batch of Chiggers that I forgot about
Second batch of LockNut Monsters
Waiting on sheaths for Snakebites. Waiting on grinding for Dace knives. Waiting on cutting for something new called the Hooker. Waiting on cutting for the Larva. Lot of waiting it seems... :p :D
Destined for the tumbler and finishing very soon would be tritium slotted Lanslides.
I have some odds and ends of tools that I ought to prepare for some sign up sales too...
And, I have some plans for something brand new turned in titanium that would be a September or October timeframe release.
So, barring catastrophe, there will be a trickle starting in a few days that will turn into a raging torrent of stuff by the end of August. :)


Thanks for the update can't wait for the new items. any chance you can post pic???
I can't wait for the trickling to begin!
Awesome!! Hope you're enjoying your summer!
Excellent, I can't wait to see these new items!!
Glad to hear all your good news!!!! Happy to hear you've taken some time for yourself this summer!!!!! Gary :)
Sheesh Peter, I'd have thought you'd have had enough rain and humidity to avoid 'raging torrent' metaphors :). Sounds like a wonderful cornucopia of goodies, waiting somewhat patiently!
Ha! Actually there's been a drought here until couple of weeks ago. My lawn is looking mighty brown...
Oh man. I need to get the paypal loaded up! Thanks for the update Peter.
Glad you haven't been just sitting at the beach or mowing your lawn... :)
Good stuff coming it seems! I can't wait.
Hey Peter,
glad your doing ok -- I was getting worried since there was a long spell since your last post.
Looking forward to your new projects especially the knives. about some teaser pictures!!!
Wow, those are some nice looking tools Peter. I especially like the Dace!
Great update. I second the "wow" on the Dace and can only imagine what the Hooker looks like.
Can't wait to get my hands on The Dace, its going to be one nice knife!!!!!!! Gary :)
Very nice work I hope I can get my hands on a Dace.
The SnakeBite and Dace both look pretty cool!
I really want a dace!
The Dace looks like a nice marine-use knife, with the shackle key built-in.
I'll take 2 Daces please, thank you sir. :D
Damn, the Dace is one sexy blade.
I'll take a snakebite please! That looks perfect for me.
The Dace is going to be getting CNC ground and so will be ground on both sides unlike this mockup proto which is chisel ground.
I think The Dace rivals some of your former knife creations Peter! Its going to be a classic! Can't wait to have it physically in my hands! Can't wait!!! Gary :)
I NEED a doubleheader!
WOOOOAAHH. PICS! I see my possible new edc in the Dace.
stunning tools, I love the combination with cutting edge. Mike
Now if I can just figure out the timing to get in on one of these sales I may finally get an Atwood knife!!!!
Man, I thought for sure we'd have some Ti trit lanslides today. :) Hope you've been enjoying the nice weather lately Peter!
Hmmm.. I have been camping on this page trying to net one of these Dace. It is awfully hard to get Peters tools. Hopefully I will be lucky on this fishing trip!
The Dace is probably going to ETA around October if we are lucky. It takes a long time to get a large batch of knives through all the steps.
Love to hear "large batch of knives", means more possibility of possessing one :).
Sweet! A large batch sounds good! A whole school of Dace would make for a nice photo. October is only two months away...that gives me time to save the pennies too!
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