Last winter I offered some titanium Ring Tools. I have a few more Ring Tools available right now, anodized green. These are made of 3/16" thick titanium and the opening is equal to a standard size 12 ring so will fit onto small to medium sized fingers. There is a 1/4" hex opening on the tool and an O ring and screwdriver bit are included. These run $35 each plus shipping. I do have a few that are blue and some rose gold anodized as well.
Green ones are gone. Thanks!

Ring a Ding Ding! IN!
I can't believe I was lucky enough to visit this site while the sale link was still active. However, I decided to pass on this item. Is there any chance that there will be any blades (or other sharp items) in the near future?
Got another...4th tool
I missed out a year ago... managed to grab one this time.
I have been checking this site daily for almost two years and never once clicked on your "other site" until today. I had no idea you were such a good photographer too. I enjoy it as well (30D) but you seem to find some really interesting areas/sunjects to photograph.
Hey Peter where are these stamped with your logo?
They are not stamped because they're too small to fit the logo.
Are these the same size as the last ones?
Matt, yes they are.
Got my first Atwood.
Now have to keep a lookout for the Metrics.
Love the concept. Too bad I have large hands/fingers :(. Oh well, I'm happy with my recent blasted mini XL so will be patient for the next great item. Thanks Peter for the fabulous work!
This is really bad!?! Just got home from work and theres the Chigger in the mail and now this!!! I'm in Atwood OVERLOAD!!!!Just could'nt pass this up! :-P
lol it seems alot of people are holding out for some blades... Well I'm not that desperate for one, but I bet you could charge a premium and sell out a run of em fairly smoothly. I don't mean anything negative by that, your stuff is just that cool.
Hi Peter Atwood,
I was wondering if you would be puttin up some of the blade, knives or the son of a prybaby again?
I haven't been making any knives this year besides the Fixers. Any knives that I might get around to finishing this year would be going up via the Sign Up Sale system because there will not be more than a handful.
Got it today.
Thanks for the fast shipping.
And, as a bonus I enjoyed reading the local news in "The Recorder"
Looking forward to more Atwood Tools
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