Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Drinking Heavily :)

A recent prototype for an Atwood Drinking Tool....hehe...holds the standard 1 oz of liquid yet weighs in at an astonishing 7.5 ozs (215g). Turned from solid 303 stainless steel, this thing gives new meaning to the term "heavy drinking". LOL...

I'm going to maybe try another one of these and then decide if I want to do a small run of them. A very neat thing even if you don't drink alcohol. ;)


Troy McHenry said...

I Peter, I really like the cup (shot glass) idea. Looking forward to see what other versions you cook up.

Anonymous said...

Awesome! I have a shot glass collection and this would be a PERFECT addition! I guess you started this before you made your darts ... Looks better than any in my collection ... which is quite extensive! Put me down for one...two...three... heck, make it an even four! Keep up the great work! Cheers!

PS I already have 12 Atwood tools … and only started collecting in October!

Anonymous said...

Atwood Drinking Tool...ahahah I love it!
If you don't mind a suggestion... how about it being a teeny bit larger at 1.5oz so that it can be used as a really nice and sexy espresso shot glass also since the thick metal will definitely keep the liquid warmer than any glass.
Either way save 1 for me ^_^

HighSpeedTROUBLE said...

I'd buy one too. Nice.

Ryan Barrett said...

I'd love a pair of these.
Count me in.