Friday, December 09, 2022

Titanium Fleas

Hi Folks,

Well, it's a beauty out there today, sun is blazing, but it's definitely starting to turn a bit cooler. Looks like we're due for an inch or two of snow next week, and this time it just might start to stick around.

I just got done milling the PryDaddy tools, so now I can do a little light grinding and start the many final finishing processes. I know what I'll be doing all this weekend! I will have some of the titanium ones ready for next week, although the steel ones will have to go to heat treat. Not sure yet how the other tools will shape up, but I would love to get a few more batches done by next week.

Today I have another batch of titanium Fleas done. These little guys have such an appealing simple shape to them and don't take up much room on your keys. They have a wide range of anodized colors and stamps. I do have some plain ones though without stamps or coloring. There are some lefties here as well with stamps and coloring.

Titanium Fleas will run $70 plus shipping.

All gone, thank you so much everyone and have a great weekend!  



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