Friday, March 21, 2014

Stamped Titanium Hangmen

Hi Folks,

Well, the calendar says it's Spring but I just don't believe it yet. Hope it starts warming up soon or this might be another New England Year Without Summer, like the one back in the 1800's...

So the new 3v Mini Keytons just got cut this week and that means that they are about a month away from completion. It takes a long time to surface grind, edge sand, grind the bevels, tumble for several cycles, name stamp, heat treat, and then finish tumble, sort and package the results. It's many steps and a ton of work but they will be really nice at the end of it all. The CPM 3v steel Shutterbugs (#3 in the Superbug series) are also supposed to be cut this week and have an identical road ahead for processing. So lots of tools are coming but it's going to take a while to get them done.

Also delayed are the titanium Terminator beads due to machine and tooling issues. They are supposed to start turning next week though. I will have more bronze ones coming in the meantime and also a variation or two if I'm lucky and everything works out. Still no word on stainless Tipplers but hoping to see them in late April perhaps. This stuff always seem to take forever and then it all happens at once.

Today I have the last of the titanium Hangmen done. These are stamped and I have tried to make them as different as I can although there are some duplicates among them. They are plain with no anodizing and they are a very small batch so one per customer please...they will run $45 plus shipping and the link is below. Thanks for stopping in and don't be bragging to me how you are mowing your lawn this week for the second time, it will just make me disgusted. Hehe... :D

Sold out, thank you everyone!


Epoch said...

Got these on the first run. Love'um, but I'm going to pass on these this time around.

Unknown said...

I'll never get to own a new atwood when they sell out within 10 minutes every time.

TMedina said...

Too much to hope for some pictures of the keytons as "works in progress"? :D

Belush 2 said...

Sorry Peter...the Tortoise cuts the lawn for us, but have been spending time cleaning the pool !! ;-)
But more seriously...
Thank You for All You Do!!

Unknown said...

Congrats to all that scored a stamped Hangman. Stamped or not, these are awesome key hangers/danglers. You will regret NOT using these. Don't make them "safe queens" ! I use mine daily and it is the perfect little USER !

Poly808Minded said...


Poly808Minded said...

One of these days, I catch one! Thanks Peter,

Chris said...

Peter - have you ever published a list of the stamps that appear on your tools? I got my Hangman today and can't figure out what it is (guess my eyes are not what they used to be)... Regardless, it is awesome and I can not wait to get my keys on it.

Peter Atwood said...

Chris, there isn't a published list or anything. If you send me a pic via email I can tell you what it is though or you can post it to the Toolbook group and someone will probably know. Some of the stamps are hard to tell what they are at first because they might be sideways for instance.

Chris said...

Peter - thank you for the quick reply! I will try to get a decent photo and send it along.

steve p said...

Hey Peter! Will the shutterbugs be photography oriented? my old school ghost gets used every time i'm on set (it lives on my keychain).

Peter Atwood said...

Yeah man, a photographer's tool! It will have wider appeal of course as well but there are a few particular features that are designed especially for photographers. ;)

steve p said...

oo! awesome!

that's exciting! i would certainly use the crap out of that.

great, now I have to come to this site 10x a day (instead of 2-3) or pay double on Ebay.

Ben Carbone said...

Are these making a comeback in any material? or are some secretly available?

Peter Atwood said...

They are all gone Ben, sorry...