Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Stamped Timascus A51 Larva Tools!

Howdy Folks,

Well, it's an absolutely glorious summer day shaping up out there. I have oodles of things to do today around the house, and a number of errands to run later, so I will do a small sale this morning.

Today I have the last of the Timascus Larva tools with A51 grinds and torch coloring. These are all stamped and have my usual wide variety of images, although they are the smaller stamps because of the limited real estate on these tiny tools. There are only 10 of these...

Stamped Timascus Larvae will run $80 each and the link is below. Thanks as always for dropping by, and hopefully your week is going as great as mine!

All gone, thank you again my friends!


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