Monday, June 24, 2024

Assorted Steel Atwrenches

Howdy all,

We had a proper drenching over this weekend with about 2.5 inches of rain in the gauge this morning. The gardens and woods are like a steamy jungle right now and the sun is shining bright today.

Working on a variety of stuff this week. I'm hoping to have some brand new beads coming up in a week or two. And the grinding continues on Stubby MiniBars.,,

Meanwhile, today I have a micro batch of CPM154 steel Atwrenches for you. Some of these have A51 grinds, and all are stamped. There is one oddball without stamps but with light raw bar finish. No lefties unfortunately...these will run $85 plus shipping and the link is below. Thanks for swinging by and I hope your week is shaping up to be a good one!

Sold out, thank you so much!


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