OK, I have the first wave of BrewDrivers ready to do. I had thought I would do plain ones first but I decided to anodize these blue. I will have some plain unanodized ones tomorrow though. These are taking me a little while to finish because they have to be deburred by hand and it is quite time consuming to get into the nooks and crannies. So there will be several waves of these with a variety of finishes and colors.
These titanium BrewDriver keyfob tools are $70 plus shipping. They will come with o-rings and a keyring.
Blue Ones are gone, thanks!

Done! Thanks for these Peter.
Skipping this one...
Aside from the colors-are there 2 different finishes? It looks to me like the picture you posted yesterday with the anodized versions in the egg crate are matte finish.
That is correct. The colored ones posted yesterday were bead blasted and then anodized. These blue ones today were satin finished and then anodized. The problem I have is that most of the colors don't come out uniformly over the satin finish. The metal needs to be conditioned via beadblasting to get a pure color in almost everything except for blue. So fpr green, rainbow, UV, etc I need to bead blast first. But beadblasted does not wear as well as satin and it requires more work on my end so I like to avoid it whenever possible.
I passed on this one, boy they seemed to go fast!
Thanks Peter. I like the bead blasted finish better. I should of held out for one of them :)
Darnit, I was going to check and did an errand instead. Missed them. When can we expect more?
What is the expected durability of this? I mean, will I pry a few bottles, drive a few screws and the tip will be get bent?
Noooooooooooo! Lol! Those went quick as expected....;P
These are pretty big at .5"∅, and 3.25" OAL. Longer than an Arc AAA but the same diameter.
The satin finish is neat.
No, these will not bend easily at all. Titanium is twice as strong as steel and half the weight.
Bummer. Missed another one...
how do i order one of the regular colored ones?
Hi Peter, Please forgive me because I am new at this.... So how do I buy stuff from you? I understand about the limited run stuff and the lottery system but what about for everything else?? Do I just enter this forum and say "Yes please"...?
Thanks alot.
I post a link to a sales page and then when the sale is over the link is removed. The sale for the blue BrewDrivers lasted for only 14 minutes.
Hi Peter,
Sitting here in LA...what time roughly will these be up? Same time as yesterday?
I don't know yet! I'm still waking up here this morning and I have to get myself down to the shop and start working on the rest of these.
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