Saturday, February 07, 2009

Plain Ti Atwrench

OK, I have a couple dozen plain ti Atwrenches available. They are $70 plus shipping and they are sold out. Thanks!

Sold Out, thank you!


Nate said...

Another great opportunity. Good to see so many people getting their first Atwoods lately. I got a green one yesterday, so I'll leave this opportunity for others. Good luck to everyone and keep up the great work, Peter.

Unknown said...

My very first Atwood purchase. Thank you kindly, Peter!

I suspect that this place will soon enough start to become a serious drain on my wallet. ;)

mbacolo said...

yahoo i was able to score one cool

Ryan said...

I want one, got to hold out for some of your first time toys. Gootttt tooooo hollldddd outttt.


Anonymous said...

finally got one! i'm really looking forward to playing with it. i've read so much about the quality of your work, i'm glad my timing was right this weekend. keep it up. hope this is the first of many...

00 said...

I wonder if this means the ti key fobs are back from tumbling?

It has always been a question in my mind what you do with the scraps when you get this stuff water cut out of a sheet. Are the keyfobs made out of something like the interior of the ti atwrench cutout?

Anonymous said...

A couple of dozen and gone in less than 14 minutes or quicker (that was the time posted on my RSS feed when I hit there)!?! Wow, I guess the lottery is looking better to some, huh?
For you trigger happy guns just waiting--this is a comment, not a complaint.

Unknown said...

A lot of RSS feeds don't update instantly. It was actually about ~40 minutes these ones were up. A good idea, really, especially if Peter makes a comment about something being up in the next few days, is to generally just keep your eye on the blog site in the mornings/very early afternoon if possible. I'm usually up early and I just go ahead and give the blog a refresh maybe two or three times an hour when I'm around.

This morning, however, I was tempted to sleep in but I woke up at 8:35am (West Coast) and low and behold there was the post!

David C. Mocarsky said...

I was lucky enough to score a green one yesterday.... my first Atwood!

As Wil stated.....the draining of the wallet has begun.