Friday, September 28, 2007

Under the Weather

I've not been feeling my best lately so progress has been spotty. We'll see how it goes over this weekend and if I'm feeling up to finishing more stuff.


Anonymous said...

Wishes for a speedy recovery. Will the next product be a Flubug?

Peter Atwood said...

Hehe, thanks I needed that. :)

Anonymous said...

Vitamin C, zinc, chicken soup, and anything spicy! And lots of fluids of course.
That's my attack strategy when I catch buggies.

Get well,

Anonymous said...

heh, I can see it now...
It looks similar to a bottlebug, but instead of the usual bottle opener, it's got something optimized for opening the child-proof caps on the nyquil bottle. And it's anodized to just that shade of green...

Hope you're feeling better soon Peter!

Anonymous said...

Take care, Peter. Hope you get well soon!!


Anonymous said...

Feel better, homie!

Anonymous said...

get well. Hope you feel better. Rest up, catch some football

Anonymous said...

Peter You best get to feelin better, You are everyone's Hero.
Keeep up the good work.

alan said...

Get better soon. Try Airborne. I swear by that stuff. Its a vitamin effervescent supplement that boosts your immune system.

Anonymous said...

Feel better soon my friend!

Ziggy said...

Peter, don't forget to take your vitamins. ;)

Anonymous said...

Get well soon Peter,we need you man.

Unknown said...

Hope you get to feeling better soon!

Anonymous said...

I hope you get to feeling better quickly!!

Peter said...

Hi Peter. Take care of yourself and get well soon.

Your worldwide fan community is crazy about your tools, but your health comes first.

Take care and speedy recovery

Peter from Germany

Robert said...

Take care, Peter.

Hope you get well soon!!


Anonymous said...

What!!?? Peter is sick??!! Quick, grab some Titanium and put it on his forehead...Lay him down by the machine shop, and turn on the Lathe...the sound will sooth him. :)

Quick recovery Master Atwood!!

Unknown said...

"FluBug" is a great name! :)
Get well Peter!

Anonymous said...

Peter, I am very concerned about you!! I hope you are doing better. Prayers out to you my friend!!