A: They've all been Juicin'!
I wasn't expecting these back from heat treat this week since I sent in the regular thickness G5s first. But back they are...this special edition of the G5 Prybaby is made of super thick and tough CPM 3V tool steel hardened to 57-59 Rockwell and cryogenically treated. They retain some of the high temperature heat treat colors in the inside corners and surfaces so if you see a reddish tinge it is not rust. Unlike regular cutlery steels CPM 3v requires a very high tempering temperature to bring out it's incredible toughness, hence the color.
Anyway, at nearly 1/4" thick these are the most robust Prybabies I've ever made. They are monsters. I made sure they had an extra long tumbling too so the corners and edges are nicely softened for a comfortable grip.
The G5 Roid Renches will run $70 each plus shipping and the link is below. Thanks so much for your patience during the past few weeks while I got all these batches ground, milled and processed!
Sold Out for now! Thank you!

Gadzooks it's about time!!! Thanks toolman!
I've been waiting a long time for these. Yes!
WOOHOO! Those look great. Thanks Peter.
Jeeez Peter, this just isn't fair anymore! I already have two versions of the G5s and now I'm gonna need a third! Awesome job on these friend!
Yeah I got one.... glad I was off today!
They look great, as usual :)
Thanks again Peter.
Dang! And I thought the E115 was gonna stay on the key chain a long time too...
Thank you
I got it. What a beautiful tool.
YES! Got one! These look awesome. Good work and thanks Peter.
These look really cool. Have to agree with Matt, just when you think "I'm good, I've got some good tools, no need to be greedy..." and then Peter goes and makes something new or special and you think "but I have to have THAT!" Lucky for me (or rather lucky for my paypal account) I wasn't fast enought to snag a Roid Rench. But if I had been... don't know if I could have resisted - does that make me a bad person?
Peter, how many went up?, they're all gone in one hour?
Dang these look sweet, wish I'd managed to snag one!
These look amazing. I'm new to EDC and this is my very first Atwood Tool. I'm so lucky to have checked at the exact right time to have gotten one of these. Thank You.
This is well worth the two and a half weeks of refreshing the "Good Riddance Sale." Keychain's going to be a lot meatier after this takes the place of the TI Gasbaby.
Thanks Peter, it's good to see you up and running.
Looks like a monster Peter! :>) Gary
Wow! Those turned out great! I sure hope there are more of the same or something similar coming... hopefully? I have been refreshing the page for days trying to catch this and I take a little time to actually work and miss out. I guess that's what working will do for you...
Thanks for all your stellar work Peter they are beautiful to look at even if I can't hold one in my hands right now. I will keep checking in and I know I will get my chance.
Awesome job!
Rob W.
What?! Oh man, I've been refreshing for days hoping to get my opportunity. Argh!
Little tip to those who express problems with waiting for items. If you set up an igoogle homepage, you can get a google reader app that displays whenever something new is put on a blog. I always leave my homepage up to check email and such, so I see updates like this immediately.
Still working on the labels and packages...man, you guys are burying me here! :D Thanks. :)
The good news is this was just a warm up. Although the Roid Rench version was a smallish batch the regular ones should be back from heat treat tomorrow so I should be able to get another sale together very soon. And I have lots of the regular ones.
I have been watching for a chance for these all week, missed it again.
Is there going to be anymore of these made? Gary :>)
pete ure a busy man and talented and all that but this is i don't know the word just its been 17 days since ure promise of g5's and i'm checking constantly and then sold out in i don't know i'm guessing seconds and we're all hangin' its just again i don't know the word (actually i probably do but was just raised better). ok i vented do what you do man and if i or whoever don't like it step aside they're are thousands behind~
Thanks Peter!
Totally missed out!
Next time.
Looks awesome! Anything made out of Ti on the horizon Peter? Thanks!
Have been refreshing "Good riddance Sale" ten times a day, but missed now because of a meeting!
Cant believe I missed these monsters hope you have more these look great.
Of all the days i didnt check out the site was the day the roid rench came out. I hope i get lucky next time..
Of course...out of action thanks to a four-hour encounter with the denitst and I miss out!
Ah well, patience grasshopper. Keep watching the skies (or the website). These look great, I'll "score" at some point!
Cool Peter! I bummed about missing these ones. :)
Love that they have a different background in every pic. Hate that I either don't have the money or don't get to the website when you have them.
The Roid Rench showed up today!! Before even opening the envelope, I could feel the "heft" of this beast! Immediatly used it to pop the top on a mexican Coca~Cola! Great addition to my Atwood tool collection! They all get LOTS of use! Thanks again Peter!!
Received my Roid today, thanks Peter! Posted 2 comparison pic on toolbook/facebook with a G3 Prybaby, check them out!
Just grabbed mine from the mailbox myself also. This is one tank of a tool! Thanks again Peter.
Not sure if this went through last time...
I put up a review of your tools on my website at www.TitaniumWorx.com The link to the direct page for Atwood Tools is at http://titaniumworx.com/?p=181
Please check it out -- I put lots of pics up of various Atwood tools I have or have owned in the past.
Just got mine in the mail.
You are right its super thick, I love it.
I have gotten a few sales before, mostly beads and whistles, this is the first item I got that actually has an ATWOOD stamp.
Wow, just got mine out of the mailbox. The roid wrench is amazing. I loved the E115 raw bar I picked up recently, but this tool is a beast. Looks great, keep up the great work!
Whoa! G5 RRE arrived today and man does it have red color remaining from the heat treat in the hex cut outs. Its all grey and red and smooth plus grinds with a tiny anchor stamped deep for good measure!
3V steel makes me smile!
Just got mine! First Atwood tool and it's sweet. Stoked. Thanks Peter!
Hey Peter,
How many of these had stamps on them?
I know there was atleast one with a stamp! :D
I can say that the one i bought did not have a stamp on it.
Mine has a shamrock stamp on it.
Mine has a bee stamp. Very nice surprise when I opened it up!! Thanks Peter!!
Yeah, mine wasn't stamped either.
Can't wait to get mine after reading all the comments but am afraid the Canada Post employees will strike before mine arrives. it usually takes about 12-13 days for a tool to arrive, 9 days now and the postal union is telling its members to be ready to strike very soon. Got my fingers crossed!
Got it yesterday, just as the Post Office employees announced they are walking off Thursday at midnight!
Very substantial tool and beautifully finished. Thanks Peter!
Gotta have one!
Peter - please, please make more Roid G5 Prybabies!
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