Hi Everyone,
Well, it sure is lovely here this week. After chilly temps for the past month and then a freaky summer like warm spell last week we seem to finally have a stretch of sunny moderate weather on the way. Then another hot weekend in the 90's lies ahead. It's funny how we never seem to get consistently pleasant spring temperatures for a few weeks as we move towards summertime.
So I'm nearly done working on those Zr Atwrenches and they are going to be super fun, with crazy grinds and stamps. Also underway are the thick steel Chiggers which I will get moving on as soon as the Zr Atwrenches are completed. A few other new projects are in the planning stages and I will have more info on those in the coming weeks as they come to fruition.
Today I have the rest of the titanium Wrunts finished. These have a wide range of color combos as well as a wide variety of stamps. There are a couple of super basic ones without anodizing, grinds and stamps if anyone wants them. And there are some lefties here as well if anyone wants to email me for them.
Ti Wrunts will run $72 each plus shipping and the link is below. Hope you all are gearing up for a nice week ahead!
All gone, thank you so much!