Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Fancy Titanium Rulers

Hi Everyone,

Well it's snowing pretty hard out there this morning and we're due for another couple of inches it looks like. It might turn to rain later and make a crusty top before turning colder later this week. Good time to make some hot cocoa and have a sale I think.

Well today I have something super special for you guys. It's been a long time since I did any pattern finishes but I had it in mind for some of these R37 Rulers even before I first cut them this summer. These are part of the same batch as the last ones, 5/32 thick material. These tools are also stamped with the same wide ranging variety of stamps that we saw on the previous batch.

So we have stamps as well as patterning...Now, I was a bit limited on the patterns as all of my pattern making materials are very old, worn out and need replacing, so most of these have the gorgeous coral reef pattern on them. That's my own favorite pattern, but there are a few others here as well. The anodized colors vary widely too with many tools having multiple colors and color fades. For those of you seeking unique pieces, these certainly qualify, as every single one of them is spectacular and different from the others.

Pattern anodized finishes are delicate and not repairable so you might want to think twice before mounting on a key ring and banging them up. As with all anodized titanium you should clean periodically with a soft cloth and some Windex to remove finger oils and restore the vibrant colors.

The Fancy Ti Rulers will run $95 plus shipping. The batch is quite small unfortunately so it is a strict limit of one per customer please! Hope you all are staying warm this week and as always I thank you for stopping by today.

Fancy rulers are all gone, thanks so much everyone!



Grant Ringdoctor said...

these are outstanding! Great job Peter

Unknown said...

Missd it. So Pitty. Hoped to get one, but too late.

Looking great.

John said...

Wow \:-0/