Sunday, September 27, 2009

Got the Atwood Itch?

Well, maybe the Atwood Chigger™ will help you scratch it. :D

The simple design of this cute little tool pays homage to the classic key ring screwdriver/pry tools of the past but adds a bottle opener and 5/16" wrench. The large 3/4" hex opening makes it easy to slip onto a keyring and helps provide grip. The Chigger™ is made of 5/32" thick CPM S30v steel, is 2.25" long and features a stone washed finish. These are $45 plus shipping.

Thanks folks, these are gone for now! I very much appreciate it.


Fun is life. said...

Got it...I'm on a roll. 3 out of the last 5.

Unknown said...

Had an itch for the Chigger so I scratched it. :)

Dad said...

Had to snag a couple of these little buggers. :)

phoenix stu said...

Wow, those ARE pretty kewl Peter! Thanks!!

weklund said...

My Atwood desk Safari has finally produced a trophy. I bagged this little Chigger at 6:16 AM Pacific time just as it poked it's little stone washed head out of the nest. I think I will just hang it on the wall in the trophy room and admire it from time to time.

Unknown said...

Love it -- nice design. I think I'll hold off to let some others in -- but this looks great.

G33S0N6656 said...

I discovered Peter Atwood yesterday. I'm lucky enough to have the "Atwood Itch" this morning! Checking this blog was the first thing I did and it paid off.

1wrx7 said...

First I got a blasted XL on friday. Today I got a Chigger. I hope you have some more surprises up your sleeve:)

ChasingSquare said...

after missing stuff forever, I just got my first Atwood item! w00t!

Nate said...

Wow. Just happened to check in on a lazy Sunday morning, and hit the big one. Great tool.

Adam said...

Yawn!! I just woke up and scored an Awtood, looks to be a promising Sunday! Dang this one is going to have to fight off the mini + XL for a spot on the S4 key ring!!
Thanks Peter!!
(Peter we need Knifes!!!!
Knife lotto!!Knife Lotto!!!)

blurdom said...

I got one! Yay!

Mr. Whippy said...

I hear antiperspirant dulls the chigger itch.

So does paypal :o)

Jerry said...

Looks great...gotta have one.

Easy Wind said...

This is getting way out of hand for me. Another Atwood to the collection. Blasted XL has not even arrived yet!
Peter, do me favor, take a long vacation. Take your camera and photograph the foliage, read a book, clean the shop, anything so I can recoup some cash!
If my wife sees another "Priority Mail" in the box, well..."gulp"..

handcannonxp said...

Peter, cool little tool. And very funny sice I have 4-5 of these little buggers on me know from hunitng last weekend..Wade

spiff said...

I was using the XL Mini+ opening cap yesterday, and think an extra grip be nice after few bottles...and here is the grip hole LOL

I'm old school, just check the site on morning once in the morning...2nd time I see a purchase link :P

Will pass and wait for Ti tool :D
Need Ti :P

Adrian said...

What a pleasant Sunday morning surprise!

Unknown said...

Yes finally got something from Mr. Atwood.

Crco said...

Yay! My first one! Thanks Peter! It looks beautiful, man ...

handcannonxp said...

I woke up this cool Sunday morning and almost did not check the blog. I was thinking he do not put any thing on Sundays.. Boy was I wrong...Wade

HoopleHead said...

Very cool new little tool! We need some with glow dots :)

Crco said...

Just got off the phone with my girlfriend ... she also got one! Interestingly, we each intended to give the one we bought to each other as a surprise gift. Now if that ain't romance, I don't know what is! Today is already turning out to be a damn good day.

Unknown said...

My first as well! Cant wait to get it. :-)

jodj said...

They look like baby atwrenches! So will we see some with vnotches? Tiki grinds? Other cool variations?

Jerry said...

Titanium anyone?

oldskoolboarder said...

On a Sunday morning??!?!?

Dagnabbit... said...

Man! I checked the site RIGHT before this went up and didn't check again until after they were all sold out! Man!!! That's okay- maybe next to give us a hint as to when the next item will go up, Peter? You know you want to!

Peter Atwood said...

Thanks guys! I'm still working on the labels and getting the Chiggers packaged up to ship. No idea when the next release will be just yet.

Aaron said...

Forget the when, what about the what? I still have a feeling this isn't the mystery items you previously mentioned and even if it was this is only one of them.

jimboinwv said...

Dammit. Now I have to watch on Sunday too!!

melman8r said...

Wow! A secondary prybaby market has turned up on Ebay. :) I never got a chance to get a XL Mini maybe I can now... :0 Bastards!

Pneumothorax said...

Tricky - early Sunday morning post. Fortunately, I have an alarm set most mornings on my PDA to check this site...snagged a Chigger (that doesnt sound right!)

Anonymous said...

THAT is a cool little tool.

Rick said...

Chigger just arrived. What a neat little tool! I like the new (?) smaller stamp. It looks really nice and clean. Thanks for the quick service! :D

Unknown said...

Mine arrived today as well, and it's a brilliant design, superior to the Mini as a bottle opener: the leverage point is closer to the middle of the bottle cap than to the far edge, and the ring is easier to grip than the flat stock of the mini. My new favorite. :-)

Joe said...

This might be my favorite Atwood tool yet. I can't wait until more are available.

Anonymous said...

any chance for a 15mm version to supplement my Atwood Bike Tool

G33S0N6656 said...

My bottle opener takes at least 2 and sometimes 3 attempts before it pops the top. Am I missing something, or is this normal. It almost seems like the metal is soo hardened it slips rather than bites the bottlecap.