Thursday, March 27, 2008

SharkTooth Teaser

Got a sample piece back from the tumbler yesterday. Awesome finish on these and it looks like they will be coming back to me early next week. Then it will be sheath we're getting closer. :) Meanwhile here's a little preview to whet your whistles:

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Metric Question!

Hey Metric Heads, we Americans are not as familiar with your system as we probably ought to be. Or at least this American isn't.... :D

Here's my situation: I'm playing with the FunnyBone drawings and looking at common metric wrench sizes. Now, the ideal size progression on my tool is 6,8,10,12,14,16,18mm.

It is my understanding though that 13mm is a very important and common size. It also happens to be very close to our American 1/2" which is an extremely common size here so I can see the attraction. My question is, how critical is 13mm? The reason is, if I include it then it throws off the whole progression of sizes on the tool and they need to be 2mm apart to work out and be stepped correctly.

So I guess I'm wondering, what are the most important metric sizes that the rest of the world needs? I have other configurations worked out if the above mentioned list isn't good enough.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Glimpse in the Notebook

Couple of rough sketches and trying out various names...This is close to what the RingCutter will look like. The other drawing is of a possible future double ended wrench tool that I am calling the FunnyBone. Metric on one end and SAE on the other. :)

I'm always tweaking, doodling and coming up with these while I'm reading or watching movies and during commercials when the football games are on.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Going to be a Good Weekend

Finishing up some small stuff today. :)

OK, here's something new. This is the SharkBite variant that I had mentioned in an earlier post....called the RingLeader. Same specs as a SharkBite basically but it has a nice 3/4" diameter ring opening. This was a small test run of these and I still have a few more in the shop to grind and what not. So there will be this wave of stonewashed ones, a wave of bead blasted ones and then another very small wave in a couple of weeks. I may cut more though if the response is strong and if so will make a few little tweaks. I'd like to see the larger bottle opener of the Nibble and maybe nudge the ring to 1" diameter.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

In Progress: SharkTooth

The upcoming SharkTooth...these are a couple of rough "in progress" shots to get an idea what the tool will be. Basically it's a Pop n Chop morphed onto a BugBite with a SharkBite thrown into the mix.

These are super handy little guys. I've been carrying a proto for a few weeks now and I can tell you that I am more than pleased with it's performance. Talk about a great little tool... I was using it to open packages this week, break down boxes in the garage and popped a couple of beers with it too. :) And I'm doing the sheaths so that the bit will be accessible without removing the whole tool from the sheath. Neat little piece.

Still weeks away though from being finished...check out how close to the same I ground all these. Whew! :D

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Web and Email Trouble

The Atwoodknives website is just having a heck of a time lately. My web host is having major problems with their server for some reason and for the past week it comes and goes frequently throughout the day. I have to call them every couple of hours it seems to get them to reset the server. This is really starting to tick me off and I'm afraid I've been losing some email lately too as this is also my email server. So please bear with me if you can. If they do not get it fixed soon I may be forced to move the site to another server and that will mean a ton of down time and a bunch of work. So I'm trying to put it off and see if the problems will resolve but it seems to be getting worse every day....