Here's what the SharkBite tool will look like. A nifty little item with multiple uses. Kind of like the Bike Tool but scaled down to just 3 inches long so it's more pocketable and geared more towards general EDC functions. I also think of it as sort of an enhanced Generation Two Keyton. These are close to 3/16" thick and are made of S30v so they are rather beefy.
This is one that I finished up this afternoon for the picture but it will be going into a heat treat later this week with the rest of the batch:
Speaking of Bike Tools, I should have the rest of the O rings and 5mm bits tomorrow and can then start to do the final finish work and assembly.
now thats what im talkin about! i sure would like to catch one of those.
Dude- the SharkBite looks awesome! As a prospective Atwood tool owner (haven't had the eye or the reflexes to snag one yet), I hope there are enough to go around. Nice work, Mr. Atwood!
This one doesn't just look good, but it fits the name! Piece of art.
Awesome! I always liked the bike tool, but thought it was too big to really pocket. Cant' wait to see what the Nibble is going to be now!
I've been looking for a tool like this to keep in my fire coat and I think this is the one. The O2 wrench will come in handy. The pry tip can be used to open panted over alarm boxes and with a torx bit I'll be able to reset alarm pull boxes. This is a must have for me.
Sweet work man. I knew I wasnt going to be disappointed...looking forward to the Nibbler.
Yay!!!! It's a Keyton!! It's a Keyton!!
I was wondering if you would continue developing the proto-bike tool look, which I thought was in some ways more desirable than the finalized bike tool, given the proto's more compact size and keyton-like shape. I had thought the proto-bike was a great "large keyton" idea, but this may do it one better.
The return of STAINLESS! wooo baby bring it on ^_^ hehe The differing flexibility between the Biketool and SB is pretty cool. Different strokes for different folks love it.
S30v and CPM 154 are about equal in stain resistance. Neither are completely stainless since they are high carbon cutlery steels. All the CPM steels are going to share that characteristic to some extent. Steels like CPM 3v are going to be even worse in the rust susceptibility however because as you increase in strength you sacrifice rust resistance. S30v is a good compromise because it has better lateral strength (prying strength) than the 154, 440c, D2, etc. while still retaining some corrosion resistance.
Yep , Keyton on steroids....
Where are all the knives gone? I'm looking here, I'm looking there...
While the tools are great they all seem to be doing a similar thing - yes I know a knife does the same as the next one but in the 'outdoors' a knife does the job of a thousand tools.
Perhaps I need to look elsewhere - I'm too focused on Atwood tools - sorry. Swiss Bianco and Brian Fellhoelter are an option.
I love the stuff Peter but I'm gone - the politics of Planet Pocket Tool are too much for me, I'm just a knife user and the outdoor life does not wait for 'collectors'. A shame because the knife I have of yours really stands up to the job.
Here is an alternate take on the move away from knives. I never would have become interested in Atwood designs had they been focused on blades. A knife has little use in my preferred outdoor activity, which is biking. Small well-designed multi-use tools, however, are exactly what I need. My indoor activities: tinkering, repairing, crafting, etc., also benefit more from a well-rounded tool than a blade, though a knife certainly has its uses. In looking back at Peter's past projects, the ones he is producing right now are by far the most exciting to me. I can't wait to see where he will go next! Bravo Peter!
lol. lol peters blades are cool dont get me wrong and i definitly want one, but there are a million knife makers out there. buy a buck if you want to cut somthing.
"hey davinci why are you painting that stupid mona lisa any way? i liked when you designed war machines better"
peter is the only guy that makes these tool and if he never made another knife agian i would be happy with little multi tools rattling around on my key chain.
i guess he wont read this because he is gone, oh well. lolol
Here's yet another take (and I KNOW I'm not alone here!)
After the month of a thousand G2s, we need a month of Solar Arcs!!!!
..what's a solar arc??
See Peter?! These kids today, they don't even know what they're missing!! (Something tells me you like it that way!)
The Solar Arcs were an old folder design of Peter's. One is destined for my pocket someday and I bug him relentlessly about it. (One day, Mr. Man, one day!! :-D )
ahh the illucid solar arc. A great sized folder with a blade about 2 1/2 inches. I'm sure theres pictures around in internet land. Me too day...
here take a look they are gorgeous!!
i too hope someday to grace my pocket with one, heck i am just hoping to get something from peter with an edge!!!
but until he feels the need to sharpen something i will be more then happy to just keep waiting for something to show up, cant rush a genious!!
...thanks, yes the solar arc is nice but as one of the new kids on the block I prefer the "UFO" which is beautiful!!
Hey Peter, do you have an estimate of when you'll have these little beauties ready to drop in our hands? (that way I can take the day off of work to nab one...) I'm more excited about this than the superbowl this year...
Will start blasting them tomorrow and putting them together. So maybe tomorrow afternoon, Sunday morning and Monday. Probably all three days and more since I have quite a few of these.
We need pictures of the Nibble now!
I don't have any yet! They're still on the drawing board...
Cool tool. Can't wait to get one in hand. Bike Tool goes on my bike, the SharkBite will go in my pocket.
we doing any of these for the NFC championship game? go packers! :D
we going to see any of these for the NFC championship game? :D
Woohoo! Scored a SharkBite! Almost makes up for the Packers loss. :(
Thanks, Peter!
Okay, today was the second time that I have passed on the SharkBite. I have been having this internal battle...should I spend $80 on it? know that you really want a should wait for the can't afford to have both! I continue to refresh the page and it is showing "In Stock" (Something that doesn't happen very often.) Then all of a sudden it is no longer available...Peter, please tell me that some Crawdaddies are coming soon! I need to know that I have made the right decision....
Have no fear, several dozen Crawdaddies are about to be finished. :)
when it comes to peters tools what is ever in stock BUY! you can always trade on the EDC forum.
Your right! I should start hoarding and not be so kind to let others have a chance at an Atwood...:)
Good point on the EDC forums, I didn't realize that you could trade things from there...I will look into that...
Peter, are there going to be more Sharkbites, or they are on hold for now?
no, not hoard just if you want a crawdaddy and you can buy a sharkbite it is a fairly even trade. or you might just like the sharkbite and look for the crawdaddy too. i
do i smell some area 51 grinds on a shark bite?
Received my SharkBite today. It's a wonderfully versatile little tool that packs a lot of functionality into a small package.
Can't wait to see the Nibble!
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