Friday, July 13, 2007

Cord Wrap Video

Here's a little something for all you cord wrap junkies...


deano42 said...

Hi Peter

Lovely demo for the cord wrapping.!
Keep up the great work on the tool.


The Lanyard Zone said...

Excellent video Peter!
Have you ever considered using other materials for handles?

Anonymous said...

Great video, always wondered...

Anonymous said...

This is great, and I hope a sign of more to come!

Anonymous said...

nice job Peter.Keep up the good work !!

Anonymous said...

Peter, that was GREAT!! I love the demo; thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Peter, You got a haircut! Hope all is going good. waitin for your goodies!

B. Johnson

Anonymous said...


Is that a Skeeter you are wrapping? The videos are great-keep them comming?


Elvis McFatPants said...

Dumb question but what kinda watch are you wearing?

Peter Atwood said...

Enzo Mechana. This one is the orange faced EMV diver. It is a helluva cool watch IMO and just about my favorite in my collection. :D If you like big heavy divers then check out Enzo. His prices are excellent and the watches are very different and well made.