Tuesday, March 24, 2009

BigShot Update

Hi Folks,

First of all, the BigShots that are coming back from the passivators where they have been acid dipped and cleaned are absolutely GORGEOUS! Wow...Just a super nice bright finish on them and I'm overjoyed with the results. I think you will be too. ;)

OK, here's how it will work: I will be going down the list in the order that people signed up. As I get these done and as your name comes up on the list I'll send an email to you with a buy now link. I think that's a simple low stress way to do it and also it's fair.

I have had a tremendous response to the BigShots so it is going to take a while to get them all made and to get through the list. I think for the first pass I will limit it to two per person just so we can get through everyone who wants one as quickly as possible. The shop that I am working with has said that they will make as many pieces as I want so if people want more than two I think that it will not be a problem to get them to you but it's going to take a little time.

Now, these will be getting done in waves. The first wave has already started and over the next few days I'll finish the name stamps and get more of these out. My buddies at the shop had to bump me for another job last week so we lost a week of production. They will start turning more BigShots tomorrow however and will give me another week or so of machine time. Then I'll probably be getting bumped again for a few days and this will continue like this for as long as it takes to get all the pieces made that I want. When I do get done with the list I will no doubt have extras made and probably do some general release sales.

So, bear with me if you will and I'll get everyone hooked up as fast as I can. Thanks for your interest and your patience! :)


  1. Awesome news, Peter!

    Can't wait.


  2. Fantastic Peter. I truly look forward to this.

    Great work as usual my friend!!!

  3. Looking forward to sipping my scotch from something new very soon!

  4. Thanks for the update. Can't wait to sit back and enjoy my favorite beverage from a Bigshot!

  5. Peter......Great news. I am looking forward to the BigShot!

  6. The lengthening days the enjoyment of cigars and bourbon drunk from finely machined vessels.
    We await...

  7. Great, I just got my link to buy. Only ordered one to give as many as possible a chance on the first round...

  8. Wonderful, can't wait to see it.


  9. Woo! Can't wait. Makes me wonder how far along I am on your list though...

  10. Payment sent for mine. :)

  11. I'm also looking forward to lugging scotch to my orifice. Make me work for it!

  12. Peter,

    Thanks for the Update and Great News!!

    I am anxiously awaiting your

  13. Peter,
    Great news! Thanks for working through the list. I'm fairly sure I signed up, but would like to know for sure. How can we make sure we're on the list?

  14. Good stuff! I'm looking forward to sipping some Booker's or Evan Williams Single Barrel from these. I was initially thinking how neat it'd be to chill them in the freezer, but then I remembered watching "A Christmas Story" as a kid... I'll stick with cubes. ;)

  15. This will bring a WHOLE new dimension to the consumption of iced vodka...you scotch pansies...thought this was ALL ABOUT YOU...didn't ya'...


    Stainless and iced vodka! Nas drovia!

    BTW Vodka is NOT Russian, but Polish, the litteral translation is "little water"!

  16. Lol I just can't wait because I have "bigger" plans for my BigShot. I'm biting at the reigns waiting for the link!

  17. A shot of fine tequila will be in order when these arrive at my door.

    Thanks Peter!

  18. Yeah, a Russian guy told me once that you should drink it with a bite of a "polish pickle"...but he pronounced "polish" like you do in "shoe polish"...it was pretty funny.

  19. Really looking forward to the link.

    I'm thinking espresso in the morning,

    Great idea Peter!!

  20. Great!!
    BTW, Peter, how many emails have you sent out so far?..:D

  21. just got back form my trip and saw the big shots waiting for me, 2 ice cubes and some disaronno was the first victim, i have some captain morgan special reserve and some ciroc vodka trembling and hiding in the cubbord. im gald these things are huge so they can be a sipper or a shooter.


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