Friday, March 29, 2013

And the Winners Are...

Another amazing turnout, thank you so much everyone! 
53 wongchunky
60 hsj
87 intellax
96 D.B.
129 kibitz
155 digital66
185 donk
198 spratte
212 Pkreuch
215 Robsterk
218 ninjasuperspy
310 DpM
371 BCDivilio
412 Hartigan
428 megnin
450 Askmeniceplease
611 davidcsmithdp
613 Tritium
652 indabayou
660 One more for the road
I will send emails out now to the winners. Thanks again and have a great Easter Weekend folks! 


  1. Very cool!! Thanks for the chance, Peter.

  2. Best Weevil yet and the rear grind will be useful. Congrats to the winners!

  3. Where is the secondary list of names? You know, with the extra tools that were held back : )

  4. Although I didn't win, SUS's are always a big adrenaline rush. Thanks for the Good Friday excitement Peter. Congrats to the winners and Happy Easter! The rabbit is NOT the reason!

  5. Great looking tool. Congrats to the winners. Thanks for livening up the day Peter!

  6. It seems my number was forgotten on this list. ;)

    For everyone that won, enjoy!

  7. With my ridiculous travel schedule, I'm just happy to even catch a SUS. Have a great weekend, Peter!

  8. This just means the Ghost are That much closer !!!!!:-D

  9. I've been trying off and on for over 3 years to get an Atwood tool. No one could understand why I was so excited all afternoon. Thanks Peter! I'm so happy to join the ranks of "OWNER" after being a fan for so long.

  10. So close, but so far away. Thanks for the chance and congrats to the winners.

  11. Grats guys! Missed again maybe next time!

  12. I got my Area 51 Weevil this morning. I like the bright stonewashed finish. It's very nice.

    Thank you, Peter!!


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