Friday, February 17, 2012

Stormy Blue Pests

Hey Folks,

Happy Weekend!

Well, today I got a few more ti pests done...these are anodized a new shade of blue that I'm calling Stormy Blue. It's hard to capture in photos but it's kind of a metallic looking cross between UV, blue, green, teal, sea foam and aquamarine all mixed up. It's a higher voltage color in between UV and green on the spectrum. Rather nice color that I will be using again for sure on future tools. Anyway, I just have a couple dozen of these finished for now and they are $65 plus shipping. Thanks for checking in and have a great weekend. ;)

All gone, thank you!

Apparently this one belongs to the cat now:


  1. My first Peter Atwood tool! I had just about given up on ever getting one, given how I've never been able to coordinate with the product posts. As with many of the blessings in my life (wife, family, Mustang, Halo drum), I believe Fate happened to be smiling my way.

  2. What else does that cat have?

  3. Hehe, I'll have him send you a list. He doesn't have pockets though so his collection is rather small. :D

  4. The cat is own's more Atwoods than most ;)

  5. Cannot wait to see this new color. Today is my birthday, so thanks for making this day just that much sweeter!

  6. What did you do tumble it in catnip?

  7. He could use some McGizmo gate clips to attach them to his collar! :D

  8. That is the coolest color I have ever seen!
    Keep on Truckin' on....

  9. Tell him I have some Sushi grade tuna.

  10. I'll trade the cat a toy mouse for the pest Peter.

  11. You're on a roll this week Peter!!! Was gone and when got back I saw a new post, a little panic but it wasn't the Wedgies so am still good so far!!! Gary :>)

  12. Really getting tired of seeing new tools and what not come out and sellout in no time, only to find them on eBay for triple..there are plenty of people out there that want to use/collect you pieces...wish there was a way to keep the resalers away.

  13. Here kitty...kitty...kitty..

  14. Pretty sure Peter said he was tired hearing about the eBay resellers. He stated that a small percentage of the tools he sells end up on eBay.

  15. I kind of can't believe I finally got in on a sale. Know this: you'll never find my Atwood, or rare beers, on eBay. I'm so selfish that I keep them for myself and/or share them with friends and family.

  16. James needs to take an English class!

  17. Yes, 757 Diapal, 358 Jubilaum and Dievas Focal on the wya. I'm a sucker for watches. :D

  18. Peter, the Focal is a bad-ass watch. My buddy just received his, and with the special treated steel that rivals Sinn's tegimented, the ideal crown location, and lume that can light a path in the woods, it is an incredible bang for the buck. Oh, this is tool blog, hey, love the new color of these Pests.

  19. It sure does look like a winner and it's got that big Fricker case similar to the Kobolds but hardened which of course I like. I'm pretty psyched about it. And the yellow accents look terrific too. There's just something about those German watches that really does it for me, so many good ones out there and their design aesthetics really resonate with me.

  20. just got a Sinn. Fun to be a Sinner. The 757 is Awesome.

  21. Holy Shit, Now I want a 757!
    Where is the best place to look for one?

    It was a Wedgie/G5 combo toady that got a few jobs done here on the farm....Moved the Shed today and my body hurts !!!

  22. I love the 757! Peter, you have some serious hardware there...

  23. That Dievas Focal is really SWEET! Another strap besides the black rubber would make it perfect. I so partial to the Nato's. But I've got them on damn near every watch I own.

  24. Just got mine. The pictures don't do the color justice. It's gorgeous!

  25. You forgot to mention that these have a matte/cold grey in certain angles. This is my kind of color, so it's pretty much a perfect tool that I'll keep forever. Last night's bottle of Hopslam can attest to its prowess.

  26. I just received mine, and what a fantastic color. You'd never be able to take pictures to do it justice.

    Bright, light blue in full sunlight, very green/aqua in partial light, and an almost cold blue-grey in dim light. Outstanding.

    Promark, I am jealous of your Hopslam. I got some on tap this year but have missed every single one of the bottle sales.

  27. I have a couple of these pests now and this one looks way too good not to have on my keychain even though I try to keep my keychain lean.

    So my question, how good is annodizing? I know how it works (thank you wikipedia) but it's also going to be banging around against keys. Is the finish going to be banged up in a year?

  28. Cute cat! My oldest cat rules the house and everything is his. :D (The tool is beautiful.)


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