Sunday, August 07, 2011

More Bronze Lanslides

Howdy Folks,

Hot and muggy here today! I hope everyone is having a terrific weekend. Won't be a whole lot more of these this summer as we are already about to say goodbye to the first week of August...

Anyway, I've been working hard all weekend though and today I have the rest of the bronze Lanslide beads finished. Thanks for stopping in, always appreciated!

OK, these are gone, thanks again.


  1. I must resist. Ti Landslides in the future?

  2. These are great landslides, I use all of mine I have.

    Enjoy the heat while it lasts Peter, it'll be winter before you know it!

  3. I will have some ti ones coming up soon.

  4. Yay! These will go so nicely on some of my gear! Sweet! Thanks Peter!

    Now to lay in wait for some Ti versions....

  5. Sweet! Caught this sale! (Thanks Mikey!)

    These will look so nice on some of my gear! Had to just get a few so I can lay in wait for a few Ti lan[yard] slides soon :)

    (*)landslides are to be avoided however... :)

  6. Very tempting, but I'll pass on these, give someone else a chance to get a few.

  7. Ahhhhh! I was in time, but Paypal is messing with me and put a temp hold on my account.
    Hope I catch the Ti batch.

  8. Ti landslides on the way...I must show some restraint and hope to catch those.

  9. Will there be more Titanium Mini Poltergeists?????

  10. Finally spotted a live link for atwood tool! But passing it on to other fans too. Are we ever going to see a keyton or odin's eye soon?

  11. Please post Pest pics when you can, no pressure! I'm trying to be patient but its not working hehe!Love my bronze lanslides, nice heft to them!!! Thanks Gary :>)

  12. Finally got an Atwood! Been following recently. I won't buy off EBay and I have really learned to appreciate your skill Peter.

  13. Finally landed some landslides

  14. they look great :)

    pass for others to enjoy.

  15. Pardon my ignorance, but could someone clarify what landslides are used for? Thanks!

  16. Lanslide beads are used to tie onto tools and knives as a lanyard fob. They are also great on zipper pulls and bags. If you put two on one cord you can create wrist lanyards like the Lifeline Lanyards that I was making earlier this year.

  17. A "landslide" brought it down...

    A lanslide is what Peter makes ;)

  18. Peter, I have always wondered what the significance of your picture(looks like a button with an arm holding a number of harpoons) is.

  19. It's an antique button with the image of a knight's arm holding a grappling hook. I view it as a sign of going into battle and attempting to conquer.

  20. It's what is known as a livery button. They were common in the Victorian era in well to do households. I have a pretty good sized collection of them...I just love the iconography.

  21. Funny, I was just on the internet yesterday resurching a " livery button" made in London by Jennens & Co around the turn of the century that has my clan badge on it. It looks like Jennens
    made a lot of them back then. Thanks for your info.

  22. I'm trying to the livery button idea. Hope that's ok with you.

  23. Got my bronze landslides in today. These things are gorgeous!! Should've got a few more! Thanks for these, Peter!

  24. BTW... I put one of these on my boat keyring as soon as I got it today. The bronze whistle I bought from Peter earlier this year, and put on my keyring, is developing a really nice patina, so can't wait to see how this landslide keyfob starts to look in a few months!!
    Thanks again Peter. You 'da man!!


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