Friday, January 21, 2011

Larva Tools with Stamps

Happy Weekend Everyone! It's going to be ridiculously cold here this weekend with overnight highs at -20F by Sunday. Brrrr....nothing better to do than get some stuff done in the shop. :)

I have the last of the Larva batch done today. These all have images from my vast antique diemaker stamp collection. Images include the bee, tiny boat, crescent moon, various leaves, gnat, sword hilt, tiny anchor, shamrock and many many others. Most of the Larva are stamped with different images so it's going to be a random sale, meaning I will send you whatever I send you. They are all pretty cool though.

For those who don't know what these are, these very rare handmade and handcarved 19th century steel stamps were used by an English diemaker as the master dies to make complex hallmark stamps for various companies and industries, probably in the tool and knifemaking center of Sheffield, England judging from some of the markings. I try to use them sparingly as many are small and delicate and I have no idea how long they will last using them on these modern tool steels. Anyway, by incorporating these very old images in my tools this is a unique way for me to bridge the centuries and maintain an unusual connection with the past. Fun stuff!

Sold Out, thank you!


  1. Thanks Peter, these look great as always.

  2. These are great, love the antique stamps and the idea of carrying somdething around that has a conenction to past like that. I've got to hold off for something with a bottle opener though... after a knife just about the most useful tool in my mind. Good luck with the deep freeze, hope the shop has one hell of a heater!

  3. Yay! My first Atwood tool purchase, and it's one with the antique stamps! I've been stalking your blog all week for this, resisting the temptation to buy resale larva tools from eBay, and the Friday evening persistence has paid off. Thanks for your wonderful widgets, Peter! Very much looking forward to those Mini Brewdrivers and G5 Prybabies when you get them finished.

  4. With all that grinding going on I'll bet it stays warm in there!

    Great pic :)

  5. Those look great. the stamp is a nice touch too.

    If any of those sales falls through I'll take one. ;) wink

    Well I hope you stay warm....

  6. Peter... do you still make any of the awesome knives?

  7. I haven't been making many knives this past year or two. I have some stuff in progress but it has been slow going as I have too many projects going on all the time and not enough Peters to get them all done. :)

  8. Peter, I'll also take one if it's left over from the sale. B.

  9. Sorry I missed out on the stamps, next time. Any idea what's coming out next week Peter?

  10. Yes, brass whistles and teflon Lanslides will be next up. Hoping to get the G10 Lanslides done by middle or end of next week as well. They keep bumping me on the machine time.

  11. Thomas, Peter has 2 knives in various stages now! The Snakebite and The Dace( which I'm waiting for)! They are pictures in the photos in the Atwood tool facebook section, check it out!!! Lots of people are anxiously awaiting their release! Just picture Peter as the energizer bunny! Gary :<)

  12. I can't wait to get in on this :)

  13. i cant wait to get mine!!! Love the history behind the stamps too! thats a big plus for me. good stuff

    one other thing would make me happy though.. Peter, you should make more Bug out bars!!! i am in love with them! lol


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