Tuesday, October 09, 2007


I appreciate all the kind words everyone! I have been feeling unwell for a few weeks, experiencing symptoms of abdominal pain on the right side. I thought it was referred pain from stomach inflammation or ulcer and the docs thought it was gallstones. After various tests and an ultrasound and then days and days of waiting (I had to call them 7 times on Friday to get a damn answer!) I finally heard back that there were no ulcer causing stomach bacteria and no gallstones found and they didn't have a clue.

I began experimenting on my own because it seems like our health system is so screwed up that we literally have to be our own doctors these days. I had read that wheat gluten can cause inflammation in the stomach and sure enough, after cutting out all wheat products for just one day I felt better. After three days I felt totally normal. I'll continue to eat this way for a week or two and let it all calm down and heal itself. I do NOT have Celiac disease BTW, just an irritation of the stomach lining.

So, I'm on the mend and getting stuff done in the shop this week. This morning I will be getting a big load of Crawdaddies, Bottlebugs, G2 Mini Prybabies (all righties) and A51 Mini Keytons into heat treat and hopefully have them done for Friday or Saturday. I have a zillion things to finish up here and will try to get to some of it while I'm waiting for the heat treat to be over.


  1. Glad your feeling better Peter ^_^
    Sometimes at the end of the day we know our bodies better than modern medicine can explain it to us


  2. Good to see you're on the mend, Peter.

  3. Hopefully it's not a long-term problem for you, but no matter how long it takes, you could use some good gluten-free recipes. Look for "celiac" disease and related items online and you'll find many.

    Oh -- quinoa will become your best friend. High protein/high fiber gluten-free grain with nice nutty taste.. resembles couscous when cooked.

    I'm impressed btw that you were able to so easily identify a potential culprit.

  4. I have a few more years left before I will be a doctor (at least for animal not humans) but I have seen gluten intolerance. All the symptoms sound fairly similar. (Also include urticaria (hives), gastrointestinal pain, difficulty breathing.) Also anaphylaxis (allergy shock) is possibly but not common, which is life-threatening.
    Most of the time it happens as a child then as you grow up it goes away. But this is also common at an older age and at that point, its with you for life.
    However, I have read before that if you just stop eating wheat for several years there is a possibility that your body will repair the enzymes need to digest it.
    It maybe rare but Coeliac Disease is always a possibility. You do not reach the age range of it, dont mean to assume but I dont think fall in between 5-25. There is no treatment for either one so just cut gluten out completely.
    Most enteropathic disorders are similiar across the spiecies either way. Hope this helps but like I said I'm not a doctor yet just a vet student. Get better soon.

  5. Glad you're on the mend Peter - you take care of yourself!

  6. Howdy Peter, glad to see you are feeling better. I have spoken in the past with a couple of other people mentioning the same thing. Their doctor's also had a difficult time diagnosing the problem.

  7. Glad you are again on your feet and kickin'.

    Take care of yourself health is everything!!

  8. I told you that Ti was gonna heal you up... Glad to hear the you're allrighty Peter. Blessings brother. Now back to the shop you go!! Andale!!

  9. Heads up, Peter. You just got Boinged.

    Kiss sleep goodbye.

  10. glad to hear you're feeling better Peter,I don't know what we'd do without you man.

  11. Peter,
    Glad your on the mend. Yes we have to take control of ourselves at times since our docs are out to lunch sometimes. I've been out of the loop for quite sometime and have not kept up.
    Take care of yourself and I pray for your improved health.

  12. Glad you are better... Hope to be able to purchase some of your work soon...


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